Chapter Twenty - Dennis's POV

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While I make my rounds and say hello to the guest at my house, I start to go and look for my girlfriend. I'm looking around for Leiah and I can't seem to find her anywhere. I wish I could call her but my phone died about a half hour ago. I see Leo and ask him if he has seen Leiah.

"She was just here around with Antoinette looking for you," he says.

"Do you know where they went?" I ask looking around the crowd.

Leo points towards the front of my house by the door. I walk over there but I don't seem to see them. As I'm about to go upstairs to look for them I'm then pulled into the bathroom. I turn around to see a drunk Aubrey closing the door leaning on it so I can't get out.

"Hi handsome," she slurs. She grabs my arms forcefully and pulls me towards her. She feels me up on my chest as she puts her hands up my shirt. I pull her off of me but it's no use as she clings back onto me.

"Dennis, baby, I'm here now,"

"Aubrey, get off of me," I say sternly looking at her.

"Why? So you can go back to that loser you call your girlfriend? I don't get why you're even wasting your time with her. She is a nobody Dennis. Get with someone who actually matters,"

"You know nothing about her, so I would appreciate it if you wouldn't talk about her that way,"

"But Dennis it's true. You'll soon become a nobody like her the longer you are around her,"

"I'd rather be a nobody than be around someone like you,"

She pauses for a minute and then backs away from the door of the bathroom. It doesn't take long for her to cling back onto me and bring her drunken face closer to me, "You don't mean that, you know you want me. Let me show you what you'll be missing," and with that she puts her hands in my back pockets pulling me close to her to plant a kiss right on me. Before I even have a chance to react the door burst wide open and I push Aubrey off of me and look to see who it was. My eyes get big as I am at a loss for words. I'm face to face with Leiah and Antoinette.

It's completely silent and we're all staring at each other. Leiah doesn't even look at me, and all I can see is her staring straight at Aubrey. I then see Aubrey giving a devious smile and I start to feel anger heating up inside of me. I then push Aubrey away and then go over to Leiah.

"Leiah," I say, trying to get to her but she then slams the door, leaving Aubrey and me together.

"No, Leiah wait-" I start to say while trying to leave but Aubrey grabs me by the arms pulling me back.

"Oh, no no no you don't" she says.

I turn around heated, "What the fuck Aubrey! Let me go!"

"Why Dennis? Now that she's out of the picture, we can finally be together,"

"Be together? Aubrey, she's my girlfriend and I'm dating her. I can't even believe you right now," I say with a burning rage in my eyes, "And why would I ever want to be together with a snake like you," I say jerking my arm out of her grip and leaving the bathroom. I scan the room and see Leiah and Antoinette heading for the door. They aren't that far ahead of me but there are so many people in my house right now that I'm practically pushing people out of the way to get to Leiah. I finally made it outside and they are already in the car leaving. I shout her name hoping that she stops but they speed down the street and I watch as they turn the corner.

That's when it finally hits me that she's gone. Everything happened so fast that I can't even believe it. I start to burn with rage fast walking back into my house. I burst through the door and I ignore all of the heads that turn around to look at me and I continue walking in.

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