Chapter ThirtySeven

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"So are you all settled in? What is it like over there?" I ask Dennis as we're face-timing early afternoon while I'm boiling water for tea.

Dennis has been down in Florida for about a week now and I have talked to him everyday since. He facetimes me in the afternoon and at nighttime before we go to bed. I literally know everything that is going on in his life, even though I am not even there. Since Dennis has gotten down to Florida, he has been unpacking his things for the past three days. I even got to say hello to his roommate, Isaiah, who is very nice and understands why we are always on the phone with each other. He is very supportive because he is in the same situation that we are where he had to leave his girlfriend, so sometimes when I am talking to Dennis, I can hear Isaiah talking to his girlfriend in the background.

"Yeah almost," I see Dennis on my phone screen as he is packing his bag, "I just have a couple of more things to do, but I will have to continue after practice,"

"Is it going well? Last time you told me that it was very hectic," I say grabbing a teabag in the kitchen.

"Babe," Dennis says, "It is so much different than high school! Like I have never felt so tired in my life,"

I giggle and place my phone upright, leaning it on the wall on the counter as I position it to show myself. I pour water in my cup with a tea bag inside.

"I believe in you Dennis. You're amazing at football and if you couldn't handle it, then you probably wouldn't be there," I encourage him.

"True, but I'm just happy to talk to you before I have to go to practice,"

"When does it start?"

"In about an hour. I'm just laying around, waiting for Isaiah to come back so we can go together,"

I smile at him and take a sip of my tea. The tea is very hot so I jump back and purse my lips together.

I hear Dennis laughing on my phone, "Did you just burn yourself?"

I poke my lip out and nod, "Yes. That was very hot, ow!"

"Wish I was there to kiss it and make it better,"

"I wish you were here too," I smile at him and he returns the motion.

As the weeks past by, my friends and I get ready for our next adventure which is, college. Everything but my main essential items are packed and ready to go. I literally leave for college in like a month and I am already packed to go today. I am very excited, and seeing Dennis already at his dorm, getting a headstart at the college life, has me even more excited to start too. I'm not the only one, as Giselle and Antoinette tell me the same thing as we are at the mall having lunch.

"Like I can put it all in a moving truck and get my keys right now!" Giselle says.

"Same here!" Antoinette agrees, ""I am ready to go right now, Dennis is making me so jealous!"

Leo laughs, "Babe, you'll get your turn,"

Everyone else joins in with the laughter. Leo and I have Chinese food, Aiden has a sandwich, Antoinette got cheese pizza and Giselle has some kind of vegan salad that I have no idea what is in it, but she seems to like it.

"So, how's Dennis doing Leiah?" Antoinette asks me.

I look around from my friends as they are looking at me, "Don't you guys talk to him too?"

"Not everyday like you do," Aiden replies.

"Yeah Leiah, you're pretty much in Florida with him," Leo laughs.

"You guys, they can't keep away from each other," Giselle says, "It's true love,"

"Gosh you guys," I respond. I look from all of my friends and let out a sigh, "Guys, I talked to him a couple of hours ago, and he's doing just fine. He had a good practice today where he did really well, unlike his other practices. His roommate Isaiah found a puppy on the street and is trying to keep it in their room but the R.A. is keeping a watch on them,"

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