Chapter Eighteen

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The next two months after Valentine's Day, Dennis kept his promise. Whenever Aubrey would come up to us, Dennis would always make up an excuse to not talk to her. Everytime he would do that, I keep believing that what he said that night on Valentine's Day was true, that he actually loved me. I don't know why, but I just can't believe him, no matter how many times he has said it. He tells me everyday, and every night, but I just have a feeling that it isn't true, that my brain hasn't processed yet that someone might actually love me. I ask him everyday why does he love me, and he tells me everyday the same thing.

"Leiah, I love you because you're everything I want and more,"

It does make me feel like the happiest girl in the world when he tells me that. I push all of those thoughts in the back of my mind and think back to all of the times that Dennis has told me he loves me as I get my painting tools and go outside.

I stand up my easel when I hear my phone ring. I pick it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey babe," Dennis says on the line.

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"So I was thinking about your birthday, since it is tomorrow and everything,"

I smile. He remembered my birthday even when I brought it up twice since we've been together.

"Yeah, what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I'd take you out and we'd eat at a fabulous restaurant where we can dress up and talk all fancy," he pretends to do a British accent.

I laugh, "Yeah, I'd like that. I've never done that before. That'd be nice,"

"Great! What time should I pick you up? Seven, eight?"

"Seven would be great. Then after we can go to your place..."
"Sure!" he says a little too quickly.

I laugh and tell him, "Babe, don't get too excited,"

"Well, it's whatever you want to do since it's your day,"

And on my day the next morning I had a fabulous birthday breakfast. Later on that day, Antoinette and Giselle took me shopping. After hours of Antoinette and Giselle playing dress up with me, we're sitting at the food court eating pretzels before we go home.

"Hey, can I get some advice," I ask them.

They look up intrigued. I look from Giselle to Antoinette and just blurt it out.

"So, I think that tonight's the night..." I say and look up at them.

"For what?" Giselle asks clueless.

"You know. The whole joining of two beings-"

"Oh Leiah, just say you want to have sex," Antoinette says cutting me off.

"Pipe down will you!"
"Well, it's not like no one know's what you're talking about... except Giselle," she laughs.

"Tonight's the night could mean a whole lot of other things..." she protests.

"So anyways, you want to lose your V-card to Dennis?" Antoinette says focusing back on me.

I nod shyly, "Yeah, I've kind of been thinking about it. I mean, aren't we ready?"

"I don't know? Are you? You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Giselle says.

"No, I want to,"

"Well make sure you use protection because I don't want you coming to me saying you're pregnant," Antoinette says.

"Antoinette! Don't scare her!" Giselle says.

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