Flashback 2

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I looked at the empty seat at my right and shrugged. It's already Tuesday but he's still not here. I understand Monday sickness, but Tuesday sick too? I don't get that concept.

"He'll show up tomorrow" Wil said as he walked past me before taking his seat.
"He normally does that every three weeks."

"He has a schedule?" I raised my brows before looking at the door where some of our classmates passed through.

"Yes he does. Luke's a gamer. He gambles through games and wins all the time—he's that good. But Luke's really smart, that's why the teachers don't have any complaints about his attendance."

"Wow" I gave an impressed nod.

"I talked to your brother earlier" he said.

"I noticed."

I flipped through my notes and scribbled some additional notes from the previous class. I saw Xander and Wil talking to each other by the gate when I arrived earlier this afternoon which didn't really surprise me. My brother's very good with his social skills and is probably friends with everyone in this school already.

"I asked him if he wants to form a band. It would be cool to play for prom."

"I'm sure he'll like it" I said before closing my notebook.

"Mm-hmm" he nodded as he looked out the window.
"How about you, what do you like doing?" he asked and I looked at him.

"I don't really have an idea" I shrugged. "I guess I'll find out when I'm older. Do you already have plans for your older self?"

"Older self?" he chuckled and that was the first time I heard him do that.

In the past month that I've been in this school, I've always thought that Wil's the quiet, serious, cool type who doesn't smile a lot. That changed today. It made him more attractive.

I don't have a crush on him though. He's a nice guy and he's cute, but he's just a friend to me.

"I'll work in a recording company someday" he smiled before looking at me. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"What?" I looked at his furrowed brows before I realized that I'm grinning at him.
"Oh! I'm sorry... It's just that—it's the first time I heard you laugh" I answered shyly.

"You're adorable" he smirked and I blushed. "It takes time for me to warm up to someone. You're a bit intimidating too at times, especially when you're reading or writing."

I didn't know I was intimidating. "I didn't know that."

"Don't go all conscious about yourself now. I just like watching you because you're interesting."

That made me smile more and it caused my cheeks to go warmer than before. I didn't know anyone found me interesting until today. In our previous school, it was only Xander and I most of the time though Xander also has friends.

"Do you have any—"

"Hey Wil" the blonde person who resides in the seat in front of me—whose name is Kate—cut whatever he was about to ask me. "Do you have any idea if Luke will be home tonight?"

I hate it when she leans towards our row. It mixes her overly sweet perfume with oxygen and I hate it. I breathed through my mouth and looked away.

"Do I look like Luke, Kate?" Wil asked her back.

"No" she shook her head.

"Then that makes it clear that I'm not his mother, right?"

"Right" she nodded again and I stifled a laugh.

"Then I guess you know the answer to your question."

The bimbo made a tiny scoffing sound before turning her attention towards me.

"Dwarf" she spat as she raised her brow at me.

"Bimbo" I muttered under my breath.

"What?" she asked and it's clear that she didn't hear me.

Wil on the other hand obviously did which is why he's laughing.

"I'm surprised that you still haven't heard me, considering the level you're in" I smoothly said which made Wil clap.

Kate's face scrunched up in confusion. "Whatever" she rolled her eyes at me before leaving the room.

"Is she always like that?" I said as I shake my head.

"Don't mind her, we don't."

"I don't have any plans to."

"She just has this big crush on Luke but Luke's too busy to reciprocate the attention she's giving."

"So what were you going to ask me earlier?"

Wil stopped laughing and composed himself before shrugging.

"I've already forgotten" he waved it off with his hand. "Come on, let's buy something to eat."

[Author's Note:]

Another special chapter for you my friends!
It's just to show you that Alex and Kate have always exchanged insults since high school. I also wanted to show how Luke and Wil are as students and how Wil and Alex started to become close friends.

Isn't it cute how Wil have always been watching Alex' every move?

Anyway, for those who are Against the Current fans who've wondered why I quoted most of the lyrics of one of their songs—yes, this story is based on their song "Dreaming Alone". Hence, the title of the story.

For those who haven't heard of the band, now you do. And if you really wanna feel the vibe that I'm feeling while I'm writing, go ahead and listen to the song.

And if you're one of those who have heard of the song and love it, then you'll know that this story is almost close to the bridge part of the song. Which means *pouty face* the story's about to end.

Which brings me to this question: What do you think of the story? Is it a good enough connection to the song? I'm really scared to ask this but I know I have to be brave enough to do so because how would I know if I don't ask?

It was my sister who made me listen to the song and after hearing it, the plot came rushing through my mind and I told her that I'd write a story about it. Then lo and behold, here it is. My sister, by the way, fangirls about every chapter especially when I quote the lyrics which is fun.

I wish I know how you guys feel about it too so please let me know :)

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