4 Wolfsbane

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They all sensed the approach of the Alpha and Ion. Micheal and Stacey relaxed. The wolf had the opposite reaction. She crouched. She growled.

The two Lycans appeared in wolf form. They dropped the bags they carried and shifted.

The wolf whimpered, eyes darted between the lycans and the forest.

"SSH. I'm here to help." Ion said as if speaking to a frightened child. "I know you're hurt. I know you're scared. I truly want to help you." He froze when the wolf growled and moved forward when she whimpered.

When he was three feet away the wolf's body rippled in agitation. She growled. Everyone knew she was fixing to attack.

There was a sudden "puff." of air to Michael's right.

The wolf whimpered, started to flee and collapsed.

They waited. Nothing happened. The wolf remains a wolf.

"Do you see, Alpha? Strange. She doesn't smell Lucan but wolf borns never invade Lycan territory."

"Regardless of what she is, she's pregnant and in need of medical treatment. Kelly and Roy will be here soon to transport her to the medical facility. For now, we wait. Ion, how long will the dart last?" The Alpha stated.

Ion jerked his eyes from the unconscious wolf. "What? Wait, huh?" He asked.

"How long will the dart last?" The Alpha demanded.

Ion looked at the wolf. The yellow of the dart still protruded from her shoulder. He looked back at the Alpha. "I - it - it shouldn't. It's wolfsbane." He glanced at the wolf to make sure it was not a red dart. It wasn't. They all looked at the wolf.

"Wolfsbane doesn't work on wolf born," Stacey said. "I know." Ion said. He sounded confused.

"Mind link Gordon and find out what the hell is going on here." The alpha told him. He moved forward and gathered the wolf in his arms. "Come on, will meet the others on the trail."

Ion removed the yellow dart from the wolf. Everyone at the pack hospital would know what it was. He thought it best to discuss this with Gordon first.

They traveled in wolf form. Kelly and Roy met them six minutes later.

Carefully they transferred the pregnant wolf to the padded cargo area of the three-wheeler.

The Alpha used the mental link to order Stacey, Michael, and Ion to say nothing about the strangeness of the wolf. They could only say she was in need of medical attention and pregnant.

Ion secured the bags to the back of the three-wheeler behind Roy. He tried not to look at the wolf. She made him nervous. He feared Roy or Kelly would ask questions he couldn't answer. He had no answers and even if he did the Alpha's order would prevent him from telling anyone.

Kelly chuckled as the Alpha placed the wolf behind him. "Are we taking in strays now, Alpha?" There was no real malice in his tone.

"She needs medical treatment." Was all the Alpha said in way of explanation. As soon as he had the wolf secured he stepped back and shifted.

They kept pace with the three-wheelers. The Alpha position himself in the lead. Kelly and the wolf traveled behind him. Stacey and Michael took flanking positions. Ion traveled behind the first three-wheeler. Roy took the rear behind Ion.

If anyone found the formation strange for the transport of an unconscious wolf born it remained unvoiced.

Kelly stopped the three-wheeler in front of the packs' hospital.

It wasn't till he stepped off the wheeler that he got a look at the wolf.

The thing was pathetic. It was covered in scraps, thorns, mud. Her paws were bloody. Her bones were clearly visible even beneath her dirty matted fur. Her stomach looked unnaturally bloated.

Trish came out of the medical facility. Her smile was bright. "I hear we have an unusual patient." She called to them. Her smile faltered as she felt her mates emotions.

Kelly looked up.

"It's a pregnant wolf born, Trish. She's in really bad shape." The Alpha said. He started helping remove the straps that secured the wolf.

Trish gasped softly at Kelly's side. "Bring her in. Gordon has a room ready." She paused as Kelly lifted up the wolf. "Poor thing." She said as he passed.

"Where did you find her?" Trish asked as she turned to the Alpha.

"Patrol found her half a mile inside the border."

"We'll do what we can for her," Trish said. She turned from him to follow her mate and the wolf-born inside.

She was surprised the animal was still alive. But the pregnancy could explain that. The instinctive need to bring the pup into the world could hold off death. Trish wondered why the wolf didn't stay with her pack.

Kelly passed her on his way out of the exam room. She trailed a reassuring hand over his chest as she passed. "We'll do everything we can." She whispered.

Gordon was bent over the wolf. "I think we should clean her up first." He said as he caught Trish's scent.

Trish knew that when he said "we" he meant "you". She got quickly to work. The mud matted fur had managed to protect some of the wolfs skin but not all of it. She was careful and noted areas that would require extra assistance to heal.

After cleaning the wolf she moved back so Gordon could stitch a gash. She bandaged up all four paws.

"Did you see this?" Gordon asked and showed her a scar between the animal's neck and shoulder. Trish had seen it when she was cleaning the wolf.

It looked like a bite. It was pale and faded so couldn't have been a recent injury. She dismissed it and concentrated on the injuries that mattered.

"An old scar. Maybe fighting for her pack." Trish suggested thoughtfully.

"Of course," Gordon said and went about the examination.



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