12 An Elder's Confession

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Emma licked her tongue over her swollen stomach. It seemed to ease the pain a small degree. Maybe it only distracted her, but it managed to keep her from whimpering.

With the absence of her whimpers, she heard the sound of someone approach. A twig snapped and there was a light knock on the side of the wooden shed.

She found it too hard even try to suppress the growl that lumbered through her pain filled body.

"It's me, I came to check on you," Gordon said from the other side of the tarps.

Emma whined a greeting from her bedding. She was too tired and in too much pain to stand and meet him at the door as she usually did.

Gordon moved closer to the door. He reached out and slid the tarps aside.

"Shenita, would you like to follow me to the exam room?"

Emma whined her response but a pain crossed over her abdomen. The whine turned into a whimper.

"Shenita, may I come in? I don't want to invade your space but I need to check you." He told her.

With the mind link, he ordered three nurses to bring the portable equipment to the wolf den quickly.

Gordon entered slowly. He didn't want to stress her. He knelt down and spoke in a low calming voice he used with the packs' children.

"I'm just going to touch your stomach." He reached out and placed a hand over her stomach. The muscles were relaxed. He didn't remove his hand. He just waited.

His own heart picked up speed when the muscles contracted. He waited until the contraction ended. He counted the seconds as he waited for the contractions to come again.

It took just over 500 seconds before the next contraction to start. That meant they were approximately just over eight minutes apart.

He mind-linked with Trish and told her to hurry. She told him they were crossing the creek.

He then mind-linked the Alpha.

Alpha? He began the link.

How is she? The Alpha asked, his concern evident.

She's in labor. But she's almost a month early, sir. I'm going to try to take her to the clinic. I'll try to stop her labor. But I'm not sure if she'll allow me to move her. He said. He suspected that the Alpha would be able to feel his anxiety.

Link me any updates. The Alpha replied.

"Shenita, I need to move you to the clinic." He stroked a hand over her chest. He believed she was too weak to do this alone. "I want to try to stop your labor. Every day we give your pup to get stronger gives it a better chance at survival." He didn't tell her that he also wanted her stronger.

She whined.

Mia? Emma asked. She was afraid for the pup.

I heard. Mia's mental voice was a soft whisper in Emma's mind.

Can it work? Emma asked hopefully.

Try. Mia agreed.

She did her best to nod her head in acceptance. Another pain slid into place. She couldn't help the small sound she made in pain.

"I know, hon." He said reassuringly.

"Dr. Gordon?" Trish called from outside.

"Give it a minute and it'll ease up." He told Emma. He waited until the contraction passed before he stood and retrieved the carrying board.

"It's the wolf?" Elder Thomas asked suddenly. "Your doctor went to her. What's wrong?"

The Alpha couldn't lie to an Elder. The law was clear. If he knowingly lied the council could (and very likely would) remove him as Alpha of his pack. They could then put anyone they chose at the head of his pack. His pack, family, friends, and colleagues depended on him.

"It was. She's in labor. He wants to stop it."

The Elders shared a look. "I'm sorry for your loss. I realize this may not be what we believe but it is more likely that then just a wolf born. I really am sorry." Elder Snider said. Her voice sounded honest but lacked true compassion and empathy.

"They aren't dead yet." The Luna said adamantly. She was angry that the Elders seemed to think it was inevitable.

"Of course." Elder Thomas said. Clearly, he didn't care. It was just platitudes delivered by habit.

"We'll be going." Elder Snider said as she stood. She smoothes the lines of her suit. The other Elder stood. He didn't bother to smooth his own clothing.

Within five minutes they had made it downstairs.

The car sat still available in the same spot. The driver exited the car as both Elders and the pack leaders crossed the packhouses threshold.

Elder Snider assured them that the council was available to them. She again offered her condolences. She handed the Luna a small cream colored business card.

"You're extremely sure they're going to die." The Luna said.

The female Elder sent a concerned look to the male Elder who was entering the car on the other side. As soon as the door closed she looked at the Luna. "They never survive. I've seen four in my lifetime. But that isn't public knowledge." A look of sadness crossed her eyes. "My sister was the first I ever saw. She died in her mates arms just minutes after giving birth to a stillborn. I don't wish to stay and relive it with your pack. But I am sorry for your loss." This time the sincerity was clear.

The Luna nodded. "I'm sorry."

It was only minutes after the Elders left that Gordon mind linked the Alpha.

We've tried but the labor is progressing.

I'll be there in a few minutes. He told Gordon then turned to his wife, Luna, mate. He explained where and why he was going. She insisted and went with him.

Braden Kain met them at the door. He didn't look the Luna in the eyes and his gaze only connected for a second or two with the Alphas.

"No." The Luna whispered in horror. Her trembling hand flew up and covered her lips.

"No. She's... alive. The doctor is performing a c-section operation. Her heart stalled. The pup went into distress. He didn't have a choice."

Gordon, what's happening? The Alpha ordered.

Alpha, I'm busy at the moment. Braden is at the front door. He'll bring you back.

"Are they going to be okay?" The Luna asked. Her voice sounded much stronger than the emotions coming through the mate bond felt.

"We don't honestly know, Luna," Braden admitted. "If you'll follow me I'll take you to the waiting room."



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