(3)I'm such a fool..

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Chapter 3

Keniqua P.O.V

Oh,my god I'm so stupid to think the cutest boy in skool would like a person like me.

RING,RING,RING "hey bitch how was your date". Date it was the most humulating moment of my life. Are you home.Yeah i am home what happen at that date when I get home I would tell you bye.

Chelsi,chelsi  are you here "
(as I walk up stairs to see chelsi kissing Evenn). Keniqua keniqua come back I'm her for you I just didn't  expected you to be so close.bye chelsi,bye Evenn.

Keniqua!(chelsi shouted ran into the bathroom with me). What happen between you and James .

Flash back
We  we're eating icecream and I had a little icecream over my lip a we started to laugh then the bitch came over and was like remember that tmr our 2 year anniversary,and I just walk out and felt like a complit loser.

Keniqua  your  not a loser you are the smartest girl in  skool most likely to be ,be what the nerdy girl that think that a boy like James is going to like a know it all like me.keniqua you need to stop beating your self  cause your beautiful, smart,nice,sweet,loving and if James don't like you the way you are the shit him. (We then hugged and I wiped my tears away.

Let's go eat some icecream and watch The Packers or anything you want to watch chelsi said to me with a smile.


Oh my god I'm such an jerk I told keniqua that I broke up wit Miya but I didn't,I feel so bad right now and I'm sure she feels worst.

She looked so beautiful  today in her mint green floral dress with red flowers all over it.( I think I should call her to make sure she is ok.

Ring,Ring,Right and no answer it just goes straight to voice mail. I then keept driving until I reached her house.

Keniqua, keniqua! Answer me please I know what I did was a wrong thing but I'm really sorry look I know I'm a jerk just let me in. The door open and I see   chelsi mad as hell  and keniqua on the coach eating icecream. Keniqua  I know you don't want to see me right now and I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm just a big Dom,jerk ass boy and would you accept my apology. (I went down on my knees and see keniqua gives a little smirk).

Apology  accepted "yes she final talk I could hear her beautiful voice. Oh since you forgive me would you still want to go on that date  with me if you want to. The room stays quiet and she responded.

Yeah I would love to pick me up 10 minutes from now.

I then went home and got ready and waited like 5mintues and went over to keniqua's house. Keniqua I'm ready to go.she walks down the stairs in a jeans pants,a plan white shirt ,and a America jacket. She look totally hot.

Keniqua  you look great I never see you look like this before and she gave me a puzzled look. Ok lets go! By the way were are we even going,its a surprise can't tell you. The drive was long and silent until she broke it "why" ,why what "why are you with a person like Miya" the car went back silent and then I answered.

I am with her because everyone kind of expect us to be the perfect couple so that's why we started dating . So what do you think you really like her . No No!well  I did at  first but now I don't.

Ok,then enough about me tell me about the lucky guy in your life. (Well he got Brown hair a little taller that you and loves to cook)I started to feel sad cause i really thought she liked me. And what is this guys name ,well his name is Tieress.

Well he is a lucky man.yeah he was she said sadly. What happen did you broke up haf a fight or something. No he is my Dad and he is died. I'm so sorry for your lost as I looked deeply into keniqua sad eyes.

Ok we are here I open my car door and judged around to open keniqua's  door. The carnival she said in surprise "I haven't been here's since I was 7 with my mom and dad this is so amazing". Let's go on the rollercoaster ,I said to keniqua in a chipmunk voice to make her laugh.


We rode the rollercoasterand James looked so cute on it. After that we ride the tunnel of fear I was so scared I hold James hard core muscles." Keniqua  would you like a hotdog or your ok"James said hungrily.I would have no mustered and mayo ketchup and relish only thx😇.

So what do you really do when your home don't you get lonely home alone.yh,I kind if do that is why you he be books I said with a little smile.

Ah,your a really good maths student right,yh I am I said with a laugh and pointed at my brain! Ah,I was wondering if you would like to help me with kissing,oh I mean calculating pie and so on ok sure anything.

(Ok is it just me or did James just said "I should help him with kissing) oh my good all the time in kindergarten and grade three by my grandparents, when he came up to and didn't say anything he was afraid of me but why :oh,I kind of know why I was pushing everyone to follow the rules and hit them in the head if they are in class.

Oh my god all these years I though he never liked me he did he was just afraid of me.Oh "shit I'm such a fool ".

Hello people how did you like chapter the I'm such a fool it was kind if a twist hoped you liked it if you didn't comment comment and let me know I can handle what you have to say ok.

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