The day I have been waiting for.

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After years and years we live side and side he finally asked me out on a date! After the date he asked me will you marry me keniqua, yes  I will marry you james.

Then I woke as we were going to kiss.Chelsi, chelsi wake up.What do you want "bitch"what time is it  ,oh 6:00in the morning and you woke me I'm going back to sleep. CHELSI just wake up we didn't pick out what I'm going to where today. She then went back to sleep chelsi please if it was you and Even I would of help you. Fine,I'm up let me see what is in you got I took out various outfits but she said"no that don't  look good,to  old fashion,to over do then she got up and took out a short mint green floral dress with yh flowers all over.

That's more  like you she said"and went back to sleep".I then got ready to go to skool and put on my perfect dress.I went down stairs and asked the chief, what's for break and he told me. He is a very good cheif only thing he keeps calling me miss.keniqua and I keep telling him its just keniqua.Anyway at 7:00 I went up stairs and woke chelsi that she can get ready for skool.chelsi wake up she woke and got  ready for skool. As we reach the step she "Said  last one down losses a baconand  winner gets it.  I was running so fast but as alway chelsi beats me.

After eating breakfast we left and went to skool in my mother's white B.M.W .in all the class I had today with James he was giving me googly eyes ,and passing me notes.

In (6)sixth period I had Intergrated science.And the the whole cheerleading team do it,cause miss.queen Miya says to.Miss.Howell your late ,sorry Mrs.Douglas I would never come late again your paired with Miya she is the only person left. We were doing an experiment so we had to pair .Mrs.Douglas told us children pick up a test tube we reached after the same test tube. Miya then held my hand ferm ."people like you don't belong in me and James would just stay way from him think I see what your doing just go back to the garbage. Then Mrs.Douglas pass and she smiled and act like she was doing work.

After class it was finally lunch I went into the cafeteria got my lunch and waited by the door for James. Then I started thinking about what Miya said and wonder if he is just using me or he really likes.

Hey babe ready to eat lunch I heared a voice say I looked around and it was James.he pulled me pass the skool floor garden the romantic spot and brought me upstairs.

When we got upstairs I was a table for two. He then put his tray on the table and took mine "come this way".I went and we start eating lunch and James had.milk all over his lip I couldn't help it but laugh.What,what is it nothing I quickly said and took out my phone and took a picture,and then told he "you got milk all over your face".I lend over to wipe it over and he we where going to Kiss I pulled back and sat down. James then said"I forgot why I  roughly you up here.The view saw so preset I could see half of California from up her.

BALING!BALING!BALING! We heared the manual bell ,and quickly ran down stairs.

"CHILDREN,CHILDREN PLEASE KEEP QUITE! "Your going home early today cause some pipes broke out bake children you are dismissed.

Everyone walked out the door could this day get any better I thigh to my self. I walk out the door and went into the parking lot. Keniqua  wait,wait am since skool is over early.would you like to maybe get some icecream with me.

Oh,ok I guess then  I remembered that I had to help.Chelsi pick out what she is going to wear tmr.

I'm sorry I can't I have to help Chelsi pick out her outfit sorry.wait which chelsi,chelsi m or chelsi b.chelsi m and we have a chelsi b.chelsi is even's girl right. Yeah I guess I am going to call her to see if she still wants my help. Ring,Ring,Ring,Ring "hey bitch what do you want" Are you at my house,th I'm still need my help picking out what your going to wear.noo I hear chelsi said and start laughing stop Even. And she hang up the phone.

Ok I guess i am free. Well my lady your car awaits. He open the door for me and I gave him the car keys.we drove about a mile before we reached the icecream store the hole football team and cheerleading wins in there am not going in. Just come on.

James P.O.V

She walks in the icecream store looking all frightened. She went to the cashier and ordered my 2
Favorite ice crem (cookie n cream) she then tried to pay chemike ,this one is on me chemike.Thanks she said we then walked for way from the team and went to seat. She had ice-cream all over her nose and I start to laugh what;what is it you sound just like me right now .
She laughs so beautiful,babe remember tmr is our 2year anniversary .keniqua grabed her keys want went out the door keniqua,wait,wait and she drive off . Troy give me my keys now and I drove after her .

Ok chapter two is a perfect day coming to an end how was that please comment and tell me what needs improvement .💯❤😎

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