Who are you?

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Why now? Why all of a sudden he shows up, with those beautiful eyes and rock hard abs... oh stop! I can't think like that... well I can but I shouldn't.
Let me fill you in on what's happening... they moved in next door, there son (who is my age and well...) his name is Damian. He has light blue eyes, hazel-Brown hair and is tall and muscular.
Anyway we used to go to school together then he moved away and well he's back...
And oh no he's coming this way ... please hide me too late...
" Nikki?"
" Damian... hi"
"I think by now I deserve more than a hi... give me a hug silly " he gave me his signature smirk.
" ugh... I ugh..."
It was to late to say no he pulled me in close... closer than I liked it to be to him. " Ok Damian , you can let go now..."
" No I don't think I can... I just I well I..." He trailed off and let go turning so I can't see his face.
" are you... are you blushing?.."
"W-what no! That would be... just no alright?" He's trying to hide it, but then he cleared his throat and turned back to me. " I still can't believe two old best friends...end up neighbors again" he gave me his biggest smile-" I think this is going to be a good year for us."
" I got to go to class Damian, so should you-" he actually cut me off...
" let me walk you. Sweet heart..."He added the last bit with I smug smile.
" I have a boyfriend... and he's actually coming this way..." I hope he didn't hear any of that but at the same time I did.
" babe there you are." Jack grabbed me and kissed me hard, no harder than hard like he was marking his territory. " who's this?"
" I'm Damian, her neighbor and old friend." He just had to give me a look after that one I'm all to familiar with...
" Damian and I were just headed to our next class Jack I'll see you at lunch...Ok?"
Jack just nodded , kissed my head and walked away bumping into Damian as he did.
" I know that look to well Damian what are you up to? I know something's off-"
" Nikki , calm down in not up to anything, except I plan on getting my girl back."He put his arm around my waist and held it tightly as if I was going to get taken away.
" I ugh...I " I couldn't help but blush then I did something I did think I would do...I kicked him were no Sun shines.
" ow! Really Nikki? How mature is that?"
" very actaully! In case you forgot I'm taken! And it's been to long for you to just hold me like that." Hold back the tears Nikki, hold them back." Look, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that, but you can't just show up and expect me to be yours again, that is not how things work. And I think we should at least talk about the fact that I have a boyfriend! And... and we'll you had your chance but you been gone for so long I-"
" I'm sorry." He said with his head hung down in shame.

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