Prologue The Prophesy and the Philosophy (optional reading)

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  • Dedicated to John Gray

                                              Tuesday Night 22 September 2020

RetroNite at the Iron Horse pub in Kingston-upon-Thames, West of London, is never for the faint-hearted and on this particular night it was especially perilous.  A freak storm threw thunderbolts and a deluge of ice cold rain against its old brick walls which groaned ominously as they were buffeted from the elements without and the noise within.

Inside the young teenage NOVO-CHAVS (New Order for Violent Overthrow - Council House And Vicious) were urinating into plastic drink containers and lobbing them onto the stage where the Cradle of Filth tribute band were bravely performing and, in time honoured tradition, getting drenched.  The old walls of the building shook to the pulsating sound and the crowd roared their approval at every missile that made a direct hit.

Alena ignored the commotion as she was in a heated discussion with Blaise.  They sat huddled in a corner and she'd found, much to her annoyance, that this creep who had been in her year at school, was really getting under her skin (it didn't help, of course, that she'd had an adolescent crush on him).

Her twin brother Stefan had lost interest in their debate (after all this was their twenty-first birthday bash) and had pushed his way into the mosh pit with their friend Pete.  Together they shook their heads and leapt into the air performing perfect scissor kicks.

Alena's cobalt blue eyes flashed a warning as she mentally counted from one to ten and knocked back half of her glass of snakebite black.  She deliberately emitted a deep belch directly into Blaise's face and he pretended not to notice.  He was short, dark and stocky and was already developing a natural tonsure, the complete opposite of Alena and Stefan who were tall, slim and blonde, and he'd recently "found" religion. He was on a mission.

Picking up his plastic bottle of water he took a short swig and then continued with his sermon. Alena held her smartphone in front of her face to avoid the spit coming from his mouth as he shouted above the band. "Today is the autumn equinox when the whole world has twelve hours of day and night. It is the eve before we enter winter darkness, but must we be afraid of the dark?"

He frowned as he saw Alena's attention was on her Apple Pi smart pad and was obviously trying to contact someone.  "This journey from autumn equinox to winter solstice is a hard one to travel marked by many traditions," he continued unabashed."It represents the path that means we must die before we can be reborn, we must descend before we can be lifted up.  We must face our own inner darkness before we can truly bask in the light of life."

Alena's expression was one of exasperation and Blaise couldn't tell whether it was with him or frustration at her not being able to contact whoever it was she was calling.  "What are you saying, Blaise?  That we should die?" she suddenly inquired without a hint of sarcasm.

"Well no and yes!  That you should shed your ego and when you die you'll have nothing to fear because your sins will be forgiven and your soul redeemed."  His expression suddenly became more intense and he stared directly into her eyes as if to seek out her soul.  "Alena, I must warn you that the end of mankind is nigh!   Do you remember the prophecies made by the Maya and Nostrodamus that the world would end on the 21/12/2012; the winter solstice?  Well I have made my own calculations and have discovered a transposition error - the true date is 21/12/2021!

"As we speak the devil is creating a new species of creatures to destroy God's Creation.  I beg you to repent or you will be cursed for all eternity.  At the opening of the seven vials; at the blowing of the seven trumpets; at the breaking of the seven seals the righteous shall be saved and sit at God's right hand, whereas you and Stefan and that reprobate, Pete, will be cast into that dark pit by ancient Tarsus held and you shall suffer eternal torment."

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