Between Us: Serenity - Chapter 2

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This is for you audranime since you dedicated me one and I absolutley love your story!! :) 

New chapter, yay! Hope you like it and that I want to tell you that next chapter some heavy stuff will be revealed event though it's early on, this is because I need it to continue the story in a proper place and so that you would understand it! Pass it on if you like this :)

POV means Point of View


*Chapter 2*

{Erik’s POV}

My mom and dad immediately stood up and left the room and I followed after them. We were moving through hallways and I found myself in front of the King’s study. I walked in with my parents and stood behind them.

Once we came in I saw the King and Queen and I bowed and greeted them “King and Queen of Aequitas, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” They smiled at me and then went to face my parents.

“Let’s go to the front of the castle they should be arriving very soon now and I want to see my daughter.” I heard the King say and so we followed him.

Once we were at the front of the castle, I heard galloping, horses they were arriving. I assumed it would be the knights who were looking for the Princess. After a few minutes they finally arrived and the Princess was in the knights arms and was lying unconscious.

I looked at her father who was most concerned; he took the Princess in his arms and cradled her. “What happened to her?” Her father demanded a question that everyone wanted to know that answer to.

“We don’t know, we saw her just now, just outside the village and she was unconscious, at the fields. We didn’t do anything to her since we are not doctors and we didn’t want to damage her more.” The knight said.

“Thank you for finding my daughter. Derek. You all will be rewarded.” The King said to all the knights that stood before us.

The knight who was holding that Princess I presumed was Derek. Derek just shook his head “No thanks necessary my King it is after all just my job, and we are honored to be the ones who brought Princess Scarlett back.” Derek said but you couldn’t find a hint of pride in his voice.

I guess he wasn’t that type of person. I guess he was actually really modest. We all shuffled back into the castle and went to the infirmary. A woman who I presumed was the doctor asked us to leave the infirmary. So she could examine her and give her the right medicine. The King, her father, knew his place and left and so did everyone.

After a few hours of waiting and everyone being on the edge, the doctor finally let us in. She asked us if we would like something to eat or drink and asked us if we wanted to sit down. Some took the offer and some didn’t.

I just sat though and then she began explaining the situation to us “It seems like the Princess’s energy was heavily used at the last stages before she went unconscious and it also seemed like someone was torturing her. There are bruise marks on her back, which I have bandaged and it seems like it is starting to heal quickly like all her other wounds.” The doctor was pointing to where the wounds and bruises were. The Princess’s back, her legs, her arms and her face.

“She will be fine but she will need to recuperate and get her energy back. I suggest that you should not give her any work until four or five days and also not to give her any questions about it since it might be a little too much for her, and also make she drinks her medicine and make sure to take care of herself. I can also tell you that the wounds are not self-inflicted and that someone else did it but other then that I have nothing you will just have to wait and see.”  The doctor said, was she like a forensic scientist or something, either way her analysis was very detailed.  

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