Between Us: Serenity - Chapter 3

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This is for you Love4Cows, thanks for being my first fan! 


POV means Point of View 


*Chapter 3*


{Scarlett’s POV}


I felt cloth underneath me and I was in a comfortable but still stiff state. I wondered if I was captured again, I didn’t think so though because they would have not put me on a bed. I was a little nervous to open my eyes because one: If it were a bright place it would burn them and two: I did not want to see what place I’m in but my only hope is that I was found.

I opened my eyes slowly not wanting to burn them in case of any light, I put my hand over my eyes though because I could see the light and it was burning my eyes. After what felt like a long time, I could finally see properly and my eyes had adjusted to the light and it seemed like I was in a white room.

A clinic, perhaps, I knew for a fact now that someone has saved me from this dreadful mess I was in. I was going to sit up when I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder. I finally looked up to see Juliet and a guy I never met before, at least I thought so at that very moment.

“Scarlett, don’t overdo it. After all the doctor said you should rest.” Juliet said in a loving voice, she was a great friend and my only one actually. I looked at her and her eyes were teary, I didn’t know why though but I’m moving towards because I’m here but I would never give myself that much credit. I managed to sit up though, I didn’t want to bedridden all day but I knew I would be forced into it so I’d rather be able to sit up.

“I told you not to overwork yourself.” Juliet said and I just smiled.

“Don’t worry this isn’t overworking myself.” I told her.

Juliet just shook her head knowing that once I make my mind, it doesn’t change. “Well Princess---” But before she could continue I cut her off.

“Just Scarlett, you know how I hate being called with a princess. How many times have I told you already?”

Juliet just sighed and smiled at me “Yes, I will be getting something for you to eat. I’m pretty sure you’re hungry by now.” Juliet left after she said that.

Which made me wonder why she was acting so formal, but right then I realized it wasn’t only me in the room but there was another, I thought he had left. He had black hair, cut short and tan skin. He was a little built but wasn’t like those gymnasts. He had piercing brown eyes, not hazel. Who is he?

Though he made me really nervous because he looked almost exactly like my childhood friend. I didn’t want to be reunited with him though. He was the main reason why I didn’t have many friends but he did teach me an important lesson and that was to never, ever trust anyone.




The strong wind from sitting on the beach was making my black hair go right into my face. It annoyed me so much bit I was enduring it for him, just for him. I was beginning to get found of him, fine I was found of him very much so. If I wasn’t I would still be at home in my bed. I felt someone sit next to me because the sand made a shifting sound.

The beach was cold and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t dies of frostbite but right now it didn’t seem to matter. “Derek, why did you ask me to come here so early in the morning?” I asked being my curious self.

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