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Chapter 2

Hiii! So I changed the character to Niall <3 hope you guys don't mind! CMON we all love Niall as well!!! Enjoy xx

Summer x

I wake up to an aching pain in my jaw and it begins to throb terribly. What happened last night?

Where am I? I don't recognize this room what so ever.

I sit up quickly and regret it. I feel soft cushion under my bum and I grasp the blankets that are on top of me. I rip it off, finally standing up. I take a step forward, only to fall flat down on the floor with a loud thump.

"Look who's up," a sleepy voice mumbles. "Well, down." He chuckles to himself.

I push my body off the floor. "Who are you?" I ask. "Where am I?"

He peeks up at me with one eye and removes himself off the floor. Without a shirt. He was the guy from last night! God, he is so hot with his hair all messy and his chest.. Stop, Summer! Ugh these thoughts!

"I'm Niall," he says, looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

Summer really!

An Irish accent, huh? How did I miss that? Well, then again, I was sorta drunk and I don't remember much. Except the whole fighting part and that's it.

"Niall what" I asked.

"Does that matter?" He snaps his head looking directly at me with his eyes turning darker.

I take a step back. What was his problem? Jeez. I look at the door behind me and I can tell he knows what I am thinking. I try my best and make a run for it.

Locked. Just my luck. Fuck!

He chuckles and grips my hips, harshly turning me around to face him. "Don't even think about it. You need to stay here, with me". His eyes were so incredibly blue. But they were so distant and lost. He had pink, full lips and a straight perfect nose....

Summer these fucking thoughts! Stop.

"Where am I." I asked scared if he would snap at me again for asking a simple question.

"My house."

What? God, why? "Why am I at your house?"

"You don't remember?" I shake my head. "You were about to get raped, Summer. You were in an alley, drunk, and an even worse boozed up guy comes along and decides he's interested in you. You feel the bruise on your jaw? Hurts doesn't it?" I nodded. "He hit you, and I beat living shit out of him."

"Why?" I asked concerned why he would do that for me.

"Because!" He yells as he punches the wooden door two inches away from my face. I cringe scared of his actions.. I know he won't hit me but still..
"Because," His voice softens a bit, so I loosen up. "He hurt you, Summer.."

"I don't under- wait, how do you know my name?" I ask him.

He smirks at me and raises his hand. He grazes my bruised jaw, then up my face, touching my short brown hair (A/N: everyone does long blonde hair or long brown hair so I wanted to change it up. Her hair is like half past her shoulders[: ) "So innocent," he whispers. He leans in and presses soft kisses on my neck, clearly trying to find my weak spot. He traps my wrists under his and I tense up. "I carried you," he mumbles while he slid his tongue down one of peaking veins. "All the way here, then I notice you feel asleep. Such a same though, we could've had fun."

Wait, why was I letting him do this to me? Why aren't I pushing him away? A part of me is too scared to, the other part of me, I don't know. It doesn't know what to fucking do right now. I've never had this kind of contact before with anybody!

"Why did you help me" I whisper.

He tightens his grip around my wrist and roams my neck. I clench my fists. Don't do it Summer, don't do it. Don't! Do! It!

His lips trail just under my jaw line on the left. And I moan.

You did it Summer. Great job!

I feel his lips smile as he increases his pressure on that spot and I claw the door behind me, feeling the wood on my fingers. He sucks violently, almost desperately, and stomps his foot on the floor.

"Because your mine."

He gets off me, gives me one more look, and leaves. I run to his dresser mirror and see what I was hoping I didn't.

He marked me.


♡ Jayana ♡

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