Over sea

12 1 0

Rehu Pov

Its been days since he and kana left the port, continuing over the now raging waves of the ocean hitting the sides of the barges, they were put under the main deck stuffed next to barrels and boxes full of food and leather, he had lost kana when they were shoved down here. He tried to find her but could barely move from how pact it was he couldn't even move his toe if he even could try. clenching his eyes feeling the ship turn due to probably a huge wave bashing against the underside of the barge " damn why did this happen I had a nice life Rich with money but that monster had to destroy it all" he glared at the man who was ranting up a storm but soon was shushed by getting slapped by what looked like his wife....


Few days later


he Heard commotion coming from above before being blinded by the trapdoor being opened letting in blinding light, covering his eyes stepping out looking around as the few people who woke up straggling up and looking around, he leaned against the side of the deck looking at the vast moving water if he could squint he could barely see a land mass in the distance slowly getting larger and larger with each passing minute " LISTEN!!!! you Dirty swallows we were forced to seek out new lands now we have lessened food supply, you ALL are getting rations before we reach the Land over yonder my maes will get regular food portions to stay fit and healthy" he heard many disapproving mudders. the majority of the people went back under while he stayed up looking at the now setting sun" wow I've never been on the ocean before" he cocked his head looking at kana viewing the now calm sea ' come on lets go sleep kana' he and kana looked back at the ocean before going back dwn and closing the hatch the room soon dark as night....


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