
15 1 0

kana pov

She looked at the many herbs and plants that dried and or were fresh lain across the stand. smiling she inhaled the different scents of the plants mingling. " instead of just sniffing why don't you try buying something?' she flinched looking up seeing a middle aged busty woman " sorry I'm just looking" she smiled the woman walking back into her tent-shop. kana sighed and turned walking away from the shop. while she was walking she glanced at the many shops, one selling strange looking fish, another selling crooked and "bent" swords and dented shields, one was filled with different liquids some fouls smelling others quite bearable. she stopped and almost all of them seeing nothing that would catch her eye. subconsciously she clenched the string in her patched pocket sighing she continued looking at the shops. She stopped at one that was selling many different woods some that looked like they're were glowing, smiling she started towards before getting slammed into and falling to the ground " Gwah! what th-" she could barely say anything before the boy ran and a lady screamed.

she turned towards the screaming to see a lady running screaming like hell hounds were after her, tripping she fell. nobody moved as a dark shadow cast over the woman. she had barely anytime left before a snake head the size of a chariot lung down and sink its poisoned teeth in her body launching her into the air, striking and chomping with a loud *Crunch* of the woman's bones. blood dripping from the corner of it's mouth. Her eyes widened at the creatures body covered in scales and connected weren't just one head a dozen slithering and moving with loud hiss's. She blinked people screaming and running. fear rushing through her bones rooting her to the spot. the creature getting closer one of it's head noticing her and slowly slinking towards her its eyes sharp and deadly. before it could kill her, she was pushed out of the way the only sound beside the screaming and building breaking or burning was a sharp tang of teeth snapping. looking up she noticed Rehu grabbing her hand and quickly getting up they started to run past the other people. Bumping into a few people. getting to the front of the group she could barely see from the sudden burst of flame burning the house that was next to her and continued not worrying about others just her and Rehu "KANA OVER HERE!!!!" she turned now noticing Rehu who was missing over a block away waving frantically.

 She sprinted catching up instantly and instantly pulled him against the wall hearing a indefinite hiss rounding off the walls. swallowing barely letting out a breath escape, seeing one of the 'things head(hydra head sorry had to say it) weave through looking for probably another meal to snack on ' come one kana lets go before it sees us!" she nodded slipping behind a wall and silently started to run past the house's getting glimpse's of the monsters(Hydra ) body and head slithering around " the docks is the safest place come on " she continued nodding not trusting her voice fearing of breaking down.


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