Chapter 1: The girl without a name

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Dues POV:
I created someone, someone who will help Yuki with life, so he can have a friend.

She had H/l H/c hair. She was 5 like Yuki. When their older, Yuki will become a diary holder and she will help him.

She arrived at their house and fell on the pavement. Be safe, my child.

???'s POV:
I woke up wearing a white dress that went down to my knees, I was barefoot and looked up. I was at a door.

I knocked on the door softly. A minute later a woman with beautiful brown hair and glasses walked out.

"Hello young girl, what's your name?" She asked.

"M-my name?" I croaked out.

"Oh! Please come inside, how old are you?" She asked.

"I think 5?" I answered.

"Do you have amnesia?" The woman asked.

"Amano?" I asked.

"No, amnesia, that's our last name." The woman answered politely.

"How about we give you a name?" The woman asked.

I shrugged, how am I supposed to know my name? Was it Jessica? Or maybe Rachel? No, it was Allison...wait? Was it Ava?

"FAMILY MEETING!" The woman yelled.

In an instant two boys raced down the stairs. One looks like a man, (No sh*t Sherlock. Sorry) with brown hair.

The other looks like a boy around my age. With black hair wearing a orange beanie?

"Ok, we are gonna keep this little girl till she recovers from amnesia." The woman spoke.

They all nodded their heads."You can call me mom, you can call him dad, and that's Yuki, if you want, we can adopt you and he can become your brother." The woman-I mean mom said.

I nodded a 'yes'. I smiled a wide smile.

"Ok we are gonna help come up with a name for her." She said.

(Think of something different if this is your name)








"I like Y/n." Yuki said.

Everyone agreed. Even me, I think Y/n suits me!

After adoption:
I have lived with the Amano's for a year now! I share a room with Yuki!

Time Skip

I'm so excited! Me and Yuki are going to our first day of High School Tomorrow!

Then, something strange happened. Me and Yuki were transported somewhere. I took the chance to take in my surroundings.

"Welcome Future Diary users." A god named Dues said, me and Yuki's imaginary friend!

He told me Yuki will become a future diary user and I will be there to protect him!

"As you can see, I'm Dues, God of space and time, I have brought you here to decide who will be the next God and take my place. There are 12 diary users. To take my place, you will need to kill all your opponents. The last future diary holder standing wins, if you die, well you die, if your future diary breaks, you vanish into oblivion, you get a future diary that tells the future, it can have many different possibilities, now, let the games, BEGIN!" Dues shouted.

Me and Yuki burst up. He was breathing heavily. A static thing was heard. Yuki looked at his phone and it told him what happens in the future.

"My phone isn't a future diary." I said looking down.

I hugged Yuki tightly," Don't worry Yuki, I will protect you." I said hugging him.

He hugged back. My eyes lids started to feel heavy they slowly began closing then I was in complete darkness.

Next morning;

I woke in in my bed with the covers pulled up. I jumped into the shower, got out dried myself, got clothes on, brushed my hair and teeth, slipped on socks and shoes, then I grabbed my backpack.

I went to go wake Yuki up. I saw him looking at his phone. "Wake up sleepy head." I said.

He began to get dressed. Mom was out on a business trip. I got two bowls of cereal and poured milk in.

I turned on the T.V. Yuki came down and started eating his cereal.

"Another murder has happened again! This victim is a man with light gray hair about in his 80's with golden eyes. He was stabbed 10 times but a 7 inch blade." The T.V said.

I finished my cereal, washed out my bowl, and put it in the sink. Yuki did the same and we went to go to school.

I felt the feeling as if we were being watched. I turned around to look back behind me. Nothing there.

I turned back forward but my foot tripped over a rock. I was about to face plant when warm arms wrapped around my waist keeping me up.

I looked up to find a man with snowy white hair and blood red eyes. I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Hi, I'm Y/n Amano, nice to meet you I said holding out my hand. He shook it.

"I'm Akise Aru, but you can call me Akise." He said.

"Ok Akise-kun!" I said cheerfully.

Than Yuki started to drag me to school blabbing about how we're gonna be late!

We went to school. Now after school:

A man tried to jump at Yuki! I elbow him in the face and he falls down.

"Don't ever touch my brother again." I said in a deadly tone.

I run out of the school. His phone buzzes.

Get shot in the head
Dead END

That's what Yuki's phone said. So...this guy is a diary holder? I gotta make sure he doesn't shoot Yuki.

His phone buzzed. Was it my thinking?!

Y/n dies trying to protect me

It's 2:29! Hurry Y/n! You don't care if you give your life for Yuki! He took you in as a child! He protected you.

A bullet came strait at Yuki's head. I don't give a damn about me dying! Maybe if Yuki becomes a god, he can bring me back!

Crimsonredarrow out!

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