Chapter 2: I owe my life

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Y/n's POV:
I shoved him out of the way to be pulled down instead of getting hit. Yuki had a grip on my arm and glares at me.

"What were you thinking?" He whispered.

"I will give my life for you, after all, you did take me in." I said smiling.

I saw the man coming. I tripped him. He had his diary out but when he slipped it slid over to me.

I picked it up. He stood up and froze. He pointed his gun at me.

"Lady, give me my phone." He sounded like...our teacher?! No it can't be.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Cause otherwise I will shoot!" He shouted

"Or I can dodge it or break your phone." I said calmly.

"No, you wouldn't!" He yelled firing.

I moved his phone so he shot his phone instead of me. He gasped as he vanished into oblivion.

I picked up Yuki's hand and ran home before we can run into anymore creepazoids.

But all we ran into was Akise. "Hey Akise-kun." I said.

"Hey Y/n." He said back.

I let go of Yuki's hand cause I felt like someone was watching us. I turned around to see Gasai staring at us!

She was glaring at me. I was in shock. Didn't she know I was his sister and basically adopted so I can't marry him?!

I don't know how it works! I only love Yuki in a sisterly way. I think Akise saw my gaze at Gasai.

"You two should get home before anything bad happens." Akise said.

My eyes widened and I didn't turn away from Gasai when I noticed she had a pretty large knife in her hand.

T-that's probably not for me... r-right?

I swallowed deeply. I blinked a few times trying to see that it's fake. It wasn't working. I grabbed Yuki's hand and ran home as fast as my feet would take me.

When I got inside the house I locked every door and every window. I also closed the curtains.

I turned off all the lights and ran upstairs. Yuki was right behind my confused at my sudden actions.

We ran into our room. I closed to door and locked it. Yuki started to get worried.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, just wanna make sure no one tries to kill us while we're here." I said.

I was faking a smile. If I tell Yuki about Gasai she'll probably try to kill me. I have heard that Gasai likes Yuki and stuff.

But when you see them with a large knife in their hand stalking that's your cue to run for your life.

"Y/n that's not the problem." Yuki said.

"It's probably just me being paranoid." I said.

Then Dues started calling something I can't remember what it was but calling for future diary users and me to come along.

We got there. I'm pretty sure Gasai is a Dairy user. I gulped. I looked over to see a creepy person staring at me. And a Dead sign next to him/her.

I must've killed third. Whoops! Dues started speaking.

"As you may see, someone has already been killed. This game is full of murders and mystery. Never reveal your identity to anyone, ever. You may believe you can trust someone, but your wrong, some times you can trust...." The rest was a blur to me.

I woke up the next morning, and me and Yuki went to school. When I got there, Gasai was staring me down.

"H-hi Gasai." I said.

"Call me Yuno." She said.

I nodded my head. It was the end of class period. Yuno headed out for gym. A girl with purple hair came up to me. Yuki was in next class.

"Excuse me miss." She asked.

"Yes?" I asked back.

"Are you ready to die?"

Yuki's POV:
Hmm...Y/n isn't here! My phone buzzed. I checked it. Y/n was outside and something is happening to her!

Then a voice said,"Is this thing-ok, Hey everyone! My name is Minene Uryu, give me what I want and I'll be outta your hair. And if you don't I'll blow up your school. Listen closely, I have a hostage." She paused.

I ran to a window to see Minene holding Y/n by the neck and Y/n trying to pry her fingers off.

"Her name is Y/n Amino. Or should I say, Y/n L/n!" She said holding her arm closer to Y/n's throat.

"Now, give me Yukiteru Amino and the girl will go free, don't and I'll kill her and blow your school to bits!" She yelled.

Y/n coughed and looked like she could pass out at any moment. Her face was red!

Y/n's POV:
'Scheisse!' I curse in my head (Yes, I'm German, deal with it) I elbow her in the stomach.

Minene let go of me and i gasp for air. Yuki and Yuno jumped out the window beasts mode style at the same time!

Yuno charged at Minene with a dart in hand. He shoved it at her eye. I closed my eyes and looked away.

I heard a loud yelp which made me cringe in pain. I looked back to see that Minene drove off holding her hand up to her eye.

"ILL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!!!" She yelled as she zoomed off.


This has some stuff to do with the story of Future Diaries/Mirai Nikki but others are made up, also, there are 13 Diary Users!


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