Chapter 5: (Y/n), Yuno, Yuki, and Reisuke

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Revised, btw this is now chapter 5, I took out the other one because it had absolutely nothing to do with the story *shrugs*
Akise POV:
I breathed out a sigh of relief, (Y/n) was safe! Thank god! I mean uhhhh I totally wasn't watching them...

Whatever... ok... yes I was... no big deal though... hehehhhh....

Ok... I also followed them home to make sure they made it safely.

(Y/n)'s POV:
We arrived home, mom was asleep which meant we won't get yelled at for getting home late!


Mom showed up the next morning with a random kid saying he is going to be our new brother!

His name is Reisuke! He is adorable! We let him in. He calls me big sister! Mom said we are gonna keep him.

Yuno was visiting but was suspicious of Reisuke. She thought he was a diary holder.

He was drawing and cutting a picture of Yuno. He stood up and fell, the scissors were going right towards Yuno's chest but she moved his foot a bit so he stabbed my arm...

Oww... He immediately pulled them out apologizing. I could tell he actually meant it. His eyes were even watering.

I told him it was fine. He glares at Yuno making me tilt my head. Was he trying to kill her?

I shrug. I stand up, walking to the kitchen to wrap my wound, Yuki comes in to help me.

"I honestly don't trust him." Yuki whispers in my ear.

I nod

Reisuke's POV:
I honestly don't want to hurt (Y/n)... What's the point? She's not a diary holder.

So I poisoned the tomatoes of Yuno and Yuki but not her. (If you don't like tomatoes pretend you do! Don't worry, I despise tomatoes)

She ate a tomato. Yuki was about to and I had an evil grin on. Yuno stopped him from eating it.

I growled quietly but utterly I was shocked that she knew!

(Y/n)'s POV:
All of a sudden the doorbell rang. Reisuke answered it. He obtained a package. Yuki grabbed it and opened it.

A gas spread through the room. Reisuke put a gas mask on him and put one on me too.

"What are you doing?!" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm saving you." Reisuke said.

"Your working with him?!" Yuki and Yuno asked.

"No! Yuki! Yuno!" I yelled.

I reached my arms out towards them but they ran to the bathroom. I saw Yuno run out. But Reisuke poured water on stairs.

He electrocuted her and I gasped. Yuno glared at me as I was about to run after her. Yuki ran up and saw me.

Then Reisuke stuck a needle in my back and objected me with something whispering he was sorry.

Yuki kissed Yuno and the last thing I saw before blacking out was Yuno stabbing Reisuke.

Yuno's POV:
"What did you inject (Y/n) with?" I asked.

"In this shot, there contains only enough antidote to save one of them. The other will die! Save your lover? Or save your lover's sister?" Reisuke asked laughing like a maniac before he died.

My eyes were wide and my head hung low.... I know my decision. I know who I pick!

Dun dun dun! Who will Yuno decide to inject with the antidote?




Comment who you think!


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