Chapter 7: Strange Omens

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T-REX moved back outside and around the trailer to the other side, moving on from where the hole showed. There was a blood trail on the outside leading deeper into the crates, the crimson trail still wet and glossy in the moonlight. Terry took the lead and moved cautiously, bow knocked and ready. Reggie moved up beside hiim, leaving the girls with the guard in the rear. He kept his voice low as he talked with the leder, clearly concerned. "I don't think bringing him with us was a wise idea. Look at the guy, he's a wreak. He could bolt as the first sign of trouble, and if he gets jumpy he could end up shooting someone."

Terry regarded him calmly, not letting own uneasiness show. "I know, but I want to keep an eye on him. If he has any idea what were dealing with the more help we can get."

The large boy glanced back and sighed. As much as he didn't like it he trusted his leader to do the right thing. "Fine. But if he panics I'm not going after him."

"Hold up." Terry said raising a fist. The blood trail had ended, coming to a large crate in the back of the yard. The doors were open but the interior was shrouded in darkness. He waved the group forward slowly and readied his weapon. "Here we go.." He took a deep breath and Xenia tossed a light ball in, the semblance spell giving the crate a ghostly pale glow. Blood was everywhere, and laying against the wall was the body of Morgan. Or what was left of him at least. His face had two deep claw marks running down it, the flesh around his jaw torn away exposting the teeth. The right arm had been ripped apart, the left one missing at the just below the shoulder. The biggest thing was his torso, which had been compleatly torn open, explaining  the scene back at the guard shack. Terry fought back the wave of nausa that hit him and moved inside to inspect the body. Morgans stomach had been torn open but the bones remained intact, almost like the creature had wanted it that way. He backed away a few steps, shaking the conclusion from his head. "Whatever that thing was feeding on him."

The other guard stumbled back a few paces, the sight to horrable to bear. "No..oh no, why?" Just then a crash came from behind them and the guard quickly turned, his pistol raised. He caught a glimpse of something large dash behind some other crates and took off after it. "I'll kill you, you hear me?! Get back here you demon!"

"Wait, stop!" Ellie cried as the guard rounded the corner. The group ran after him in a hurry, desperate to save the man from getting hurt. "Stop him!" Terry ordered.

The guard came to a stop at a dead end, the creature no where in sight. He scanned the area with his pistol up, heart punding. Sweat beaded down his face as he circled the area, hurried footsteps coming closer behind him. Something dripped onto his hat and he brushed it off, inspecting his fingers. He looked at the liquid puzzled, seeing how there wasn't suppoed to be rain tonight. And now that he thought of it, rain wasn't red either. He slowly turned to look up, eyes wide with fear. His voice caught in his throat as he lay eyes on the liquids source. The last thing he thought of before the beast lunged was of a nightmare he used to have as a child. This beast was way worse.


Terry turned the corner of where he had hear the comotion and froze as he looked at the scene, the others doing the same behind him. Ellie rose a hand to her mouth with a small gasp. "Oh no..

The beast had its back to them, its body hunched over something. Its body was large and muscular, covered in long black hair. It looked like a Beowolf but much larger, more wolflike than anything else. But the biggest difference was the lack of white on its body, all other grimm having at least some white plates or markings on them. The beast was chewing on something, sickly crunching sounds comming from it. Terry raised his bow slowly, his hands shaking lightly. "Hey!"

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