Chapter 18: Only The Strongest

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  Terry thrust his swords down with a roar, stabbing the Grimm beneath him. He and the other students have been fighting hard to protect the wounded,with Ozpin and Goodwitch moving to saftey. The Grimm seemed to keep coming in waves, a constant stream of enemies coming through the schools walls. They had lost a lot of Hunters already and at this rate were going to keep losing them if they couldnt put a stop to this. Terry pulled his swords out and looked over at his steam, who was fighting close by. Ellie slammed her mace into a Haven solider and sent him flying accross the courtyard, while Reggie punched a Ursa hard on its face plate, his gauntlet smashing it. Xenia stood behind them, using a semblance spell to heal another student. He knew they could handle themselves, and smiled a little as he watched them work. It made him proud to see his team in action like this and filled him with confidence. They could do this.

  The Grimm wave finlly stopped after a few minuets and the students rested, knowing another would be coming any second. Some helped the wounded back inside the school while some mourned fallen friends, the aftermath of battle strewn all around them. Terry formed his bow again and slung it on his back, walking back to where Jaune was standing. His clothes were torn and his sword bloody, but his fae was set in a determaned look. Pyrah stood beside him, her attitude calm and collected even in battle. She noticed Terry as he approced and smiled softly, her expression sad.

"How you holding up?" She asked. Terry returned the smile and looked over the courtyard. "As well as one could get in a situation like this. You all OK?"

"Yeah, were alright. I hope that was the last of them."

A loud roar sounded in the distance and Jaune gestured toward the enterence. "Guess not. Here they come again."

The students all ran to their positions and readied themselves, another wave of Grimm on its way. Only this time they were not alone. Terrys team stood beside them as the Grimm walked in, led by three new induviduals. Snapshot and Blink walked side by side with one more person, one who was a full head taller than the rest. He wore no shirt, his whole body rippeling with muscle. He wore a pair of dark green cargo pants that were tucked into his combat boots and had long blonde hair with green eyes. He walked forward as the rest stopped a few yards away, the two sides stareing each other down. The man walked into the space between the gorups and raised his voice to address them, his voice loud and commanding. "Hunters of Beacon! This is your final chance to surrender. Lay down your weapons now, and we will show you mercy. You will not be asked again. What is your answer?"

A rock came sailing from the crowd of Hunters and hit the man on the forehead, getting a small laugh from them. "Thats my answer, fish lips!" Ellie shouted back, the other hunters dropping into their battle stances. The man growled and glared at the girl. "So be it. Destroy them!"

The Grimm roared and charged, the students running to meet them. The large man walked accross the battlefield towards Ellie and her team, his face cold. Reggie gave her a look and cracked hi knuckles. "Fish lips? Thats all you could come up with?"

"What? I thought it was funny."

The man stood before them and stared them down, being almost a foot taller than the Hunters. "You are going to pay for that, girl."

Ellie smirked and shouldered Heartbreaker. "Sorry, I left my purse back at the dorm."

The man sneered and cracked his knuckles. "You dare insult me further, whelp? Then you shall face the wrath of Thunder, the Defender!"

"You just had to make him angry, huh?" Reggie said to her as he charged hid gauntlets. Ellie shrugged off her mace and held it ready, Terry knocking an arrow. "You can argue about it later, lets just take this guy." Xenia opened her book and created a white orb in her hand, the light pulsing with energy. "Then I suggest we stop talking and get on with the fight."

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