Chapter 12: Things Reviealed

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Iolite took another sip of her drink before starting, her voice low and reminiscent. "It all started after the attack on the village. When you and the others were gone for so long, those of us who were left started to panic. The remaining elders believed you had all died and no longer felt safe in the village, so they ordered all of us to pack up and leave." She took a deep breath. "But as we were leaving, the Grimm Walker came. At first we thought we were all going to die, but the Walker didn't seem to care for us. It was bleeding and tired, and only wanted to get away. But that's not how the others saw it."

Nix said nothing, only taking in the words his sister spoke. Io took another drink and continued, the memory painful for her to recall.

"The villagers went into a frenzy, throwing rocks and attacking with whatever weapons we had left. I tried to warn them, that we shouldn't fight it in this state, but they wouldn't listen. They attacked, and only made the beast angry. In response..." Io whiped a tear away. "In response to this, it destroyed everything. The village, the elders, the people..but not me. I was spared."

  Iolite brought herself back under control, pouring herself another glass. "The Grimm Walker stood over me as the village burned, it's eyes red with anger. But I saw something more than that. I saw pain. Suffering. Sadness. The Grimm Walker was suffering because of us, Nix. That's why it attacked. I saw this and refused to fight it. I accepted my fate and thought I was going to die, my wounds deep and bleeding. But this was not the case. The creature spared me and instead of killing me like the rest, it saved me and gave me new life." Io smiled a little at the memory, looking down at her glass. "It gave me some of its blood in hopes of saving me. And it did. At first I thought I was going to transform like the legend says, but I learned to control it. It's power filled me but did not corrupt me, allowing me to keep control of my body. After I was healed, I stayed with the Walker for many months. I leaned so much from it Nix. More than anything the elders or the kingdoms would ever dream posable. I came to realize that the thinking of the world is flawed, and that this is the only way of life that can preserve our kind." Io looked at Nix. "That's how I built all of this. The village, the relationship with the Grimm, all of this is because of the Grimm Walker. And by using its power, we can create the peace that the world so deeply wants. No more Hunters, no more war. Just man and Grimm, living side by side."

  Nix looked at his sister with soft eyes, a storm of emotions swelling inside of him. His sisters story was impossible to believe, but yet here she was. He leaned forward on the table again, his voice calm and..sad. " can't really think this, can you?"

  His sister looked a little hurt by his response but remained calm, her face showing that she had been expecting this sort of answer. "I do Nix. I believe it with all my heart. Using Grimm blood we can create a whole world of Walkers, people that are no longer targets for the Grimm. Just look at all the people we have living here! All of them with Grimms blood running through their system. We have finally created a society where we can have true peace."

Nix shook his head. "Iolite, you know that won't work. Infusing people with Grimms blood? You know what happens when Grimm and people mix. People die!"

"I know." Io said softly. "Many people in the beginning didn't survive the infusion. And not a day goes by that I don't think of them. But it was a sacrifice that I was willing to make in order to preserve the whole world from its own destruction."

"But that's insane! Think of all the people who would die if you did that. Millions of people worldwide would die because of the infusion. You can't do that!"

"But it's the only way! Don't you see? If the world keeps fighting the Grimm then we will loose everything! But by living beside them we can keep that from ever happening. It's true, sacrifices must be made, but they are sacrifices that I am willing to take in order to save us."

Nix's face grew stormy as he grasped what she was saying. "So thats its. A world of Grimm, millions dead, with you leading the pack. Is that it?"

"...someone has to take charge, yes."

Nix closed his eyes in sorrow as the words sank in. The blood had corrupted her after all. He knew he had to stop this. "Io. Don't do this. You can't force the world to change like this, not at the cost of all those lives. What you built here is great, but you don't need to take this step. Come back to Vale with me. Let us use the things you have discovered to find another way."

Nix looked at her sister with pleading eyes, hoping that she would see the path she was taking would only lead to destruction. But Io only sighed. "I hoped that you wouldn't see things this way..I only want to make the world better for everyone." She looked at her brother with cold eyes, her face now hardened with resolve. "I wish that you could see the way I do, but it seems that you are only going to be in my way. Ami."

"Wha-" Nix's words were cut off by an arm around his neck, choking out his words. "Hey Tiger." Ami purred into his ear as her sleeper hold tightened. Nix struggled to break free but couldn't fight her, his vision already starting to blur.

"Io...don't do this.."

His sister stood and walked over to him, Ami, forcing Nix onto his knees. Her voice was soft as she spoke, and tears had started to form in her eyes. "I wish there was another way Nix, but I fear there is not. I do love you, and I only wanted us to be together, but I see now that you would only try to stop me. I'm afraid I can't have that. This change is going to happen, but you will not be around to see it. I love you Nixy. Goodbye."

Nix struggled to stay awake as he fought Amis hold. "Io, plea-" Nix could feel the pinch of a needle in his arm and the world began to grow dark, the last thing he remembered was his sister wiping tears from her eyes.


Ami dropped Nix's limp body onto the floor, two other guards now hauling him up. Io turned to them, her face still wet. "Take him to the holding cells and keep him there. I don't want him to interfere any longer."

The guards nodded and dragged him off, Ami now standing beside her Queen alone in the dining room. "I told you this would happen." She said in a quiet tone.

Io looked at her feet. "I know. But I wanted him to see it so badly that I took the risk."

"Does this change the plan?"

"No. We move as scheduled. We have come too far to stop now. Are our agents ready?"

"Yes, placed and awaiting your command."

"Good. Then we move on the city in two days. When Vale transforms, the world will soon follow. Now, I need to get cleaned up."


  Nix awoke a few hours later, head feeling like there were jackhammers trying to dig out of his skull. He slowly looked around and noticed he was no longer in his room, but instead a dank stone walled cell. Little light came through a barred window on the back wall and a large barred door sat at the front. Aside from a small cut and toilet there was nothing else in the room, and Nix could feel he was in trouble.

  "I have to get to Beacon.." He thought as he sat up. "I have to warn them.."

  "If you're thinking about escape, I wouldn't try it." A familiar voice chimed in from the door. Nix scowled and looked over to see Ami standing on the other side of the bars, arms folded in disappointment. "Well the accommodations could be better." He said as he walked over. "Not that you care, seeing how you threw me in here in the first place."

  Ami shook her head. "Nope. That was all you. If you had actually listened to your sister and joined in than this would never have happened." Her ears flickered as she spoke. "But no, you had to go and fight the good fight. And now you're stuck here." The girl flashed him a smile. "To be honest, I wish you would have put up more of a fight, but seeing how you're still hurting from when we found you I'll let it slide."

Nix gave her a look. "Let me out and ill show you a fight all right."

"Maybe some other time. Even though I doubt there will be one. We have a whole world out there to change, starting with Vale. Once that falls, the rest will come quickly." Ami turned to leave, Nix tightly gripping the bars in fury. "Have a nice night Nixy. It'll be your last."

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