Chapter 10: Introductions

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  Ruby Rose could feel the butterflies in her stomach grow and more active as the VTOL neared the landing pad. It was past lights out now but no one seemed to mind her being here. Not that she really cared anyway, she just wanted to see Terry. She personally kicked herself every time she worried about him but she couldn't help it. To her it seemed childish to constantly be worrying about him and his team, even though that wasn't the case. In their line of work, the risks were high for every single one of them, no matter how skilled or experienced. She knew that first hand. It wasn't uncommon for hunters in training to return from an assignment with a few new battle scars, but it was the risk of them not coming back at all that scared her the most. The girl shook the last part from her mind as the craft began to land, the doors opening when it touched down.

  "He'll be ok, I know he will.."

  Much to the young girls relief she was right, her heart leaping as she saw Terry walk off the ship, bow slung on his back. She quickly rushed up and hugged him close while the medical staff looked over his team. Terry looked exhausted, his arms wrapped around Ruby loosely. His hood was pulled off revealing a nasty bruise on his cheekbone, the scent of something foul mixed with sweat radiating off of him like an aura, but Ruby didnt mind. She was just happy to have him back. The girl pulled away and planted a kiss on his lips, eyes full of concern. "What happened out there? Are you hurt? Is everyone OK?"

  "I'm fine Rubes, and so is everyone else." He smiled at her and rested his hands on her shoulders. "Reggie lost an arm, but it healed up pretty quick. A night in the med bay and we should all be good as new."

  "I would hope so..." The girl said while burring her head in his chest. The others walked by with the medical team as Terry and Ruby held each other, Ellie calling out to them with raised hands. "Atta boy Terry!"

  The team leader could feel his cheeks get hot but smiled anyway. He hear Ruby giggle as he turned to face them, one arm over her shoulder. "Is that jealousy you're compinsating for there Ellie? I know you'll find a guy to tolerate you someday."

  Ellie snorted. "Like anyone can handle this much girl. Im a free spirit baby, I don't need no man holdin me down."

  "Hey Rose!" Reggie called. "When you gonna dump that scrub and get a real man?"

  Ruby laughed and put a hand on Terrys chest. "If by real man you mean you, than Terry and I will be together for all eterity."

  Ellie burst into laughter and clapped Reggie on the back. "Buuurn! Need an ice pack, maybe a Popsicle?"

  Xenia rolled her eyes and moved in between the two of them. "Alright now, that's enough. You two can be single together in the infirmary with the rest of us, OK?"

  "Fine." The two said in unison as the med crew led them away. Xenia smiled and looked back at her team leader. "Coming Terry?"

  "Yeah, right behind you." He looked back at Ruby and smiled. "See me in the morning?"

  "You can count on it, you big baby."

  Terry smiled and kissed her forehead before walking toward the med bay with his team, Xenia waiting for him. The girl smiled and waved gently as Terry walked over and the two of them headed off, Ruby watching them for a few seconds before walking back to her dorm, the cool night air giving her goosebumps at its touch.

"I assume Jaune will want a report in the morning." Xenia said softly, as if her voice would wake some student even though they weren't in the dorms. Terry rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh. "Yeah, I'm sure that will be an interesting one to have." The encounter was a strange one, and the Grimms words weighed heavily on his mind. The fact that it talked was shocking enough, seeing how no instances of Grimm speaking have ever been recorded in history, but what it had said had only made things stranger. "Long live the ways of old.."

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