Chapter 1

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There was a thick, dark mist surrounding Louis in the dimly lit room. He was in his office at work and he had no idea what was happening. He didn't remember how he got there, but there was nothing good happening in this room. The light seemed to be getting more dim, the dark mist was smoothing out so it was filling the whole room, and Louis heard a low static noise from far away.

He yelled pleas for help as he drew closer to going mad. He didn't know what was going on-


Louis screeched when he heard a loud boom from down the hall, it seemed, and it was leading foot steps. The person must be getting closer from how much louder the steps were getting, making Louis scurry to find a way out. He clawed at the windows that were boarded up with wood. He banged on the walls and when he looked back at the door, he saw a shadow getting larger. He yelped and then ran to the corner of the room. He felt tears running down his face and began sniffling. He was so scared. He didn't know what was happening. He didn't know who was coming for him so he just fell down on the floor and wrapped his arms around his legs and leaned his chin on his knees. He eyed the door, feeling his heart beat speed up faster as he saw the shadow grow larger.

His breath hitched when the shadow had made it to the doorway.

He cried out when suddenly the easy static noise ran up the volume bar to full extent. He covered his ears trying to block out the noise but it didn't help.

He looked up at the figure for mercy but his stomach flipped when he saw a gorgeous, dark face. One with an evil grin on his sinful lips and beautiful curls making Louis think the figure was innocent when it was far from it.

The figure stretched out an arm towards Louis with the same grin.

"You better watch out. You're mine."


Louis screamed awake from dreamland into reality. He gasped for air sweating bullets when he realized it was just a dream. He was so tired of dreaming the same nightmare. Dreaming the same creepy, yet beautiful face that haunted him for the whole day. He cried harder knowing the same face was going to be in his future dream that night.

He yelled when he felt arms wrap around him. He heard his name being yelled but he was too busy trying to get out of the intruding arms. He opened his eyes for the first time since he woke up and saw a familiar pair of brown eyes. He sighed but continued breathing in air like he was never going to breathe again. Hands ran smoothly down his arms trying to soothe him. The stranger was actually his flat mate Liam, who knew about his nightmares since they started. He has been woken every morning to the same scared-out-his-mind scream from his best mate Louis since then. He has been trying to get Louis to go to some doctor but Louis has turned it down quickly.

Louis didn't want to be called crazy.

He knew he was.


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