Chapter 4

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Louis was freaking out.

He didn't know what to do. The figure from his dream was real! The figure was living and breathing and knew who Louis was. Was he going to kill him like he did to Stan? What did he do? He hasn't done anything to deserve getting killed. Was the guy even human? He couldn't possibly be!

Thousands of questions were spinning through his head and all he could was stare blankly at his computer screen. After his encounter with the figure, he ran back to his cubicle to escape him. He couldn't handle the evil grin he was given by him. If looks could kill....

"AH! What the hell?" Louis yelped when a loud static noise came from his computer. The screen went blank and was making a growing static noise. Louis pounded on the keyboard, pushing any button he could reach. Nothing happened and it was just a blank screen. "Crap!" he grunted. He was working on a new project and he didn't save anything.

"Oh no. Did your computer break?"

Louis' eyes widened when he heard the familiar voice. So HE did this.

He swirled around in his chair and stood up infront of the figure. He didn't look very intimidating with his height, but he looked at him with hate. "What did you do?!" he interrogated.

"I didn't do anything Louis. Why do you think that?"

The furious boy groans with annoyance. What was the man trying to do?! "You did this didn't you?! I was working on something and YOU made it freeze. I didn't even get the chance to save it!"

"Woah woah! What's going on here Mr. Tomlinson?" Mr. Lot hollered over Louis coming from his office.

"Nothing Mr. Lot. Louis here just got mad over his computer breaking. He apparently was working on a project and he didn't save it," the man answered.

Louis tried to answer, he really did. For some reason, he couldn't say thing. It was like his vocal cords were gone and he all he could do was point and wave his hands around.

"How many times have I told you that you need to save your work every five minutes incase this happened!" Mr. Lot groaned out. "You need to take a break. Harry will take you out to lunch."

'WHAT?' Louis yelled. Well, in his head. He was still unable to talk. He stared his boss down in hopes that he would understand that he didn't want to but his boss was oblivious. Mr. Lot just continued telling 'Harry' where this new café was down the street. He couldn't believe this. He had to be with the man from his nightmares?

He then felt a very cold arm wrap around his shoulder and pull his body to the elevator. He looked at his left to see Harry holding him close like good friends but they were anything but that.

His stomach flipped when he was met with black eyes rather than the green he was used to. He tried to walk ahead but he was pulled back as quickly as he tried. He squeaked when Harry pulled him closer but then Niall walked by. It felt like slow motion when he saw the intense eye contact between Harry and Niall. Niall had a shocked look on his face and his jaw was dropped. Harry just glared at him and Louis felt nails dig into his shoulder as they walked by Niall. What was that about?

He thanked his lucky stars that there were two other people in the elevator. He wouldn't know what would happen if he had to be alone with Harry in a small space. He could feel Harry's eyes on him as they went down to the first level. When the doors opened, Harry's hand got tighter on his shoulder as they walked to the cafe down the street. Louis has had enough.

He yanked Harry's hand off him and walked ahead. He didn't know what Harry was trying to do but he didn't like it. Not knowing what was gonna happen was driving him insane.

"Is Louis scared?"

Louis rolled his eyes. "No."

"Why won't you walk with me?" Harry said with a baby voice. "Do you not like me?"

Louis saw the cafe just up ahead. He couldn't wait to get his tea to calm down.

"Did Louis have the nightmare last night?"

"What do you want from me?!" Louis yelled as he swirled around to glare at Harry. Why was Harry taunting him?

"You'll find out soon enough love. Just you wait," Harry replied with a grin.

Louis grunted and opened the door of the cafe. He stormed up to the counter and ordered his tea. He was sure that the cashier was going to spit in his tea because of him being rude but he was extremely frustrated.

When he got his tea, he turned around and saw Harry at a table. He gulped and slowly made his way there, sitting on the other side of the table. He noticed that Harry's eyes were black and his head was cocked to the side, clearly observing Louis.

Louis sipped at his tea noticing Harry's nails growing long and black scraping the table creating that horrible squeaking sound. He put his cup down and sighed. He looked into Harry's eyes.

"Are you..are you going to kill me?"

"Only if you try to kill me."

"What does that mean?"

Harry chuckled and examined his fingernails.

Louis' anger was growing from all the unanswered questions. He huffed out a breath and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why did you kill Stan?"

Harry blinked innocently. "He got in my way."

"Are you going to kill me?" Louis hissed out. "Don't lie to me. You killed Stan in a blink of an eye. How could I even succeed in killing you?"

Harry pursed his lips and chuckled. He put his elbow on the table and laid his chin on his hand. "I told you. Only if you try to kill me. If you have other questions, ask your guardian."

"What guardian?"

Harry laughed this time. He covered his mouth as he laughed and as he finished, he uncovered his mouth and laid his chin on his hand. Louis gasped when he saw fangs in Harry's mouth.

"You're very oblivious to your surroundings," Harry sighed. "Wish you'll always be this way."

Louis groaned in frustration. "Will you just explain? I couldn't be more confused."

Harry stood up smiling down at Louis half heartedly. "It is my first day Louis. I must go now. Don't give your cute little head a headache with all this new information love."

Louis watched him as he walked out of the cafe. Harry had a grin on his face the whole time. Even when he was walking down the street. Especially when a certain blonde rushed passed him.

Before Louis knew it, he was enveloped in a hug by Niall.

"Woah are you ok Niall?" Louis asked while patting Niall's back soothingly.

"No are you ok?!" Niall quickly asked. He was looking at Louis with worried and scared eyes.

"I'm fine... Why?" Louis asked. Why was Niall so worried about his well being?

Niall stepped back and sighed. He rubbed the back of his neck trying to figure out how to explain.

"Louis...We need to talk."

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