Chapter 6

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"'re okay then Louis?"

Louis huffed at the repeated question. He was currently at his desk working on a project, while Niall interrogated him with questions about what had happened with Harry. Louis tried saying that nothing had happened and that they just went out to lunch and then to a movie, but Niall knew he was lying. He knew something happened and he wanted to know so badly, that the poor guy was at the front of Louis' desk with wide eyes. He was staring at Louis with pure want and wonder that Louis felt bad for not telling him. He didn't understand why Niall wanted to know so badly but it appeared to be of some importance.

"I'm fine, Niall. You don't need to know everything about my life. Harry didn't do anything. We just talked," Louis whined out. Niall rolled his eyes and sat down on the desk. He folded his arms around his chest, continuing to stare at Louis as he worked.

Louis couldn't work well with Niall practically staring into his soul but he had to keep quiet and work. Niall would call him crazy if Louis says how Harry is some kind of demon. That Harry wants him to become a demon so he doesn't beat him in some war. 'That doesn't sound crazy at all' Louis thought.

He looked up lazily as he heard yet, another deep sigh come from the blonde boy. Niall's leg was bobbing up and down frantically. He looked so worried about something that he was starting to sweat from his forehead. "Niall-"

"I know ok?! I know everything about Harry. I need to know what happened today! He is not trustworthy Louis! Just tell me!" Niall yelled with pure yearning.

Louis looked at him like he had grown another head. Niall knew about Harry? "What?"

Niall groans as he stands back up and leans over the desk close to Louis. "Did he hurt you Louis? Tell me with full honesty. I know who Harry is and I know YOU know what he is. Now tell me."

Louis searched for joking in Niall's face before he sighed. Niall had some kind of knowledge on Harry and he desperately needed to know more. He was sorta glad that he wasn't alone in this. "Harry is a demon, Niall. He wants me to be one too," Louis said to Niall and himself.

Niall just nods and rubs at his face. He knew what Louis was talking about. He knew what Harry wanted him to do. Louis furrows his eyebrows, "How do you know Harry?"

"Did he tell you what you are going to be?" Niall asked ignoring Louis' question. He brought his hand to his lips and started biting at his nails.

"He said I was some kind of angel. I apparently defeat him at war and kill him," Louis said with a bit of amusement. He wasn't one to be serious and he still didn't know how to take this. Niall rolled his eyes and sighed. Louis exited out of his work and stood up. He walked around his desk to stand in front of Niall. His brain was throwing question after question at him to ask but he couldn't think on how to work his mouth.

"I'm your guardian, Louis," Niall spit out. He didn't dare look at Louis, for he thought that Louis was going to laugh at him. Though, he didn't hear a peep come from beside him for a whole minute so he looked up. He saw Louis looking at him, clearly shocked out of his mind. Louis' jaw was dropping and closing. He blinked at a fast speed trying to comprehend the new information. So that was why Niall was always there for him since high school. That was why Niall always stuck up for him and been a shoulder to cry on. Niall wasn't just being a good friend, but he was protecting him and 'guarding' him. He soon felt a hand on his shoulder and another one on his back gently pushing him. He slowly went forward with the hands until he felt something on his shins. He was then pushed down and he realized that he was being laid down on the couch.

"Louis, just sleep. You have learned a shit load of new information today. Just sleep tonight and we will talk about it tomorrow. Harry will not give you nightmares tonight. He has He won't harm you in any way," Niall soothed.

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