Chapter 3

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Louis' mind was going crazy. He saw that figure in the club. That figure made that chandelier land on Stan. Why did he do it? Was it haunting Stan like he was doing to Louis? Was it going to kill Louis too?

Louis was in shock. He has been staring at one of the walls in his room trying to figure out what's going to happen next. Is the figure going to kill him next? When is he going to show up?

When he and Niall got out of the club, he was immediately swarmed with questions from the police. He, nor anyone could answer a single question. No one else knew what exactly happened. All everyone else knew, was that a chandelier fell on someone.

Louis knew more though. He was going to tell the police everything but he knew they were going to call him crazy and send him to a therapist. What was he going to say anyway? "Oh hey the dead guy was killed by a mysterious figure from my dream and he showed up and made the chandelier fall on him." No. He would sound crazy. Maybe he was.

'Must. Not. Sleep.' Louis thought.

He couldn't sleep. He was going to dream of the figure and he can't do it. The figure was going to be in his dream and he was going to die. Louis was sure of it.

He perked up when his bedroom door was opened. In walked Liam, who sighed when he saw his best mate still staring at the same wall.

"Louis. You have work tomorrow. You need to sleep ok? I know what happened was traumatizing for you but you need to go to sleep or you might actually go crazy," Liam said trying to soothe the trembling boy.

Louis' eyes opened wider at the words being said. "No! I can't go to sleep! I'll sleep tomorrow night ok? I just CAN'T go to sleep right now. I..I can't get that memory out of my head," Louis whispered out the last part. He felt a hand rubbing on his shoulder and knew that Liam was just trying to help him but he couldn't sleep. He was going to die if he did. Plus, he was already crazy. What was sleeping going to do?

Liam grumbled out something that Louis couldn't comprehend. He handed Louis a glass a water, which Louis took thankfully. He could agree to at least one thing Liam wanted him to do.

He took a big sip and put it in his lap. His head was lightly pulled to Liam's shoulder. He was still staring at the wall blankly. He wasn't really thinking of anything. He was just kind of...staring. He didn't know what was going to happen to him and he was going insane.

Soon, the wall got blurry and his body involuntarily started to sway. Louis couldn't keep his eyes open for the life of him. He was soon physically pushed down so that he was laying on his bed. The last thing he remembered was a quiet 'goodnight Louis.'


"Get back!" Louis screamed. He was suddenly being cornered by the figure. There was no warning this time. He had fallen asleep, and he immediately got cornered. There was no dimmed lighting, static noises, shadows, booms, or anything like that. He just immediately saw green eyes and knew it was him. He got out of the figure's grasp and ran around the room to the door. It slammed shut when he was just about to run out. He shrieked and looked at the looming figure. It was taking slow steps towards him.

"What do you want?! Why are you here?! Why did you kill Stan?!" Louis screamed in the figure's face. His inner thoughts were screaming at him to run away but he needed to know why he killed Stan. Why he was here. And why he was doing this to him.

"I'm..just right around the corner..."


Louis wailed when he was suddenly awoken by his obnoxious alarm clock. His heart beat was thumping like crazy and he was sweating bullets. He breathed in and out continuous for five minutes. He heard a door slam making him look up at the door. He ran to his door, swinging it open, and peering out to see the lock on the front door swinging. He looked at the clock and sighed when he realized that it was just Liam leaving for work. He put his hand on his face trying to calm himself. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he walked back into his room. He went to his closet, picking out a random shirt and chinos to wear for work. By the time he was done with getting ready, it was time to go.

He knew he should've just asked Mr. Lot for a day off. He knew he would've understood by him telling him what happened at the bar, but he had to distract himself. If he stayed at home, he was going to rethink the memory and get freaked out all over again. With a sigh, he opened the front door and headed to his car.


When he got to his office, he was immediately embraced by Niall. He knew Niall was shaken up by the accident and so he hugged back harder.

"It's ok Niall. Let's just...get to work yea? Distract ourselves."

Niall sniffed and nodded. He gave a small smile and walked to his office without another word. Louis knew exactly how he felt, but he refused to let himself show his sadness to the world. He wanted to appear strong-

"Tomlinson! What are you doing here?"

Louis whipped around to find his boss stalking over to him. He raised an eyebrow clearly confused. "What? I'm here to work Sir..."

Mr. Lot raised his hand to show he wanted silence. "No Louis. Shouldn't you be at home? Niall told me what happened last night and I had thought you two would've stayed home today. It would be best."

"No! I Sir. I'm fine. I just need to distract myself. I'd drive myself crazy if I stayed home," Louis explained. Mr. Lot sighed and nodded. He gave Louis a list of requests and sauntered back to his office.

Louis looked at the list, reading over everything he needed to do. He would type the construction workers' instructions, print out blue prints for the buildings, ask Niall to explain the blue prints to him so he can explain them to the workers, plan what time-

"No I've got it. Thanks though."

Louis froze and stopped breathing. His brain ran the voice over and over trying to convince himself that, that was not the voice. That it was just his ears messing up with him. That some people just had the same voice. He slowly turned his head to the direction of the voice and shrieked.

That figure. It was him.

The figure actually had a..figure. It was a HE and he had an actual figure. He had long legs, long torso, long arms, big hands, and more precise curly hair. He was only showing the back of him, since he was working the copier machine. He put the paper on the square for the machine to copy and sorta froze. He wasn't moving a muscle.

Louis took multiple breaths trying to calm down. Maybe it was a coincidence that this beautiful man looked exactly like the figure from his nightmares. He slowly walked to the direction and stood a few feet away. Louis pretended to be filing as he scrutinized the man some more.

"You're not that good at this."

Louis dropped every single piece of paper he had in his hands. He peeked up through his fringe and saw the same evil grin on the man's face.

"Ugh...what?" Louis pretended to be confused as he hesitantly picked up the fallen paper.

"Oh stop it. You're bloody terrible at lying."

Louis froze up again while they exchanged eye contact. He knew he was being read by the man. He was an open book pretty much. He knew the man knew he was scared. He gulped and took a breath.

"What are you?"

"Your worst nightmare."

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