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Luhan's hands clumsily search for the sound of his ringtone ringing somewhere on his bed. Once his hand reached the source of the solid metal gold coloured phone, he swiped the screen, not forgeting to curse the caller a gazillion time in his head.


"HELLO!" He pressed the phone close to his ears. To be honest, Luhan was definitely not that type to snap easily, it was mainly just because yesterday he finished his class like at 2 in the morning and he was beyond exhausted and the not-so-wild-and-sassy-princess mood always appear when he is tired and now was one of the time.

"Whoa there. Calm down." Luhan squinted his eyes to check the caller ID. It was a number he didn't recognize. But, the voice.. That voice.. No! It can't be. Luhan shook his head a few times, refusing to acknowledge that the voice was similar to that person. The similar soothing deep voice that still once made him go crazy, it can't be him!

"Who's th-this?" Luhan unconsciously stutters, revealing the fact that he was clearly, super nervous.

"Try and guess?" The voice answered with a hint of smug and teasing tone.

"Well, Mr. I-don't-care-whatever-you're-called, listen here.-" He glanced at his clock, it showed 6 a.m. ARE YOU KIDDING ME IT'S 6 IN THE MORNING OH LORD! Luhan, take a deep breath and calm down. In. Out. In. Out. He quickly gathered back his composure and continued, "-I'm tired and I just want to sleep so can you please tell me what you want or I will gladly hang up right now."

A chuckle came as a respond, "Feisty, I see. Hey, it hasn't been 10 years since we last met. Don't you remember me?''


"Of course, Lu."

Luhan's instantly shut his mouth. He was speechless. Finally, after 5 years of not meeting and hearing about the one that he is was in love. Am I dreaming? This is too good to be true. There's only one thing that bothered Luhan. "Sehun-ah, where did you even get my number?"

"I searched for it, very hard. Hard work pays of right?" Sehun's tone was still the same as before. Soothing and calming.

Luhan felt his heart thumping loudly. He can clearly hear it.

"Luhan-ah, how are you?"

"I'm fine, you?"

"Not really."

Sehun's reply surprised Luhan. "Wait why? What do you mean? Are you okay?" His questions came in like bullets.

"You're still the same as before." Sehun let out a short laugh. "Always worrying about me."

Yeah, the same as before. Maybe even my feelings. Luhan bit the inner part of his lips, resisting the urge to ask Sehun about that one particular question that hurt him to the core before.

"So, how many kids do you have now?" Finally, he gathered his tiny bit of last courage.

"Hmm, kids? One...? Two...?"

Luhan was on the verge of breaking down right here and then upon hearing that.

"Pinku Pinku and Garfield." Sehun began cackling.

He was totally not expecting to mention the name of his plushies instead. What the?!

"I'm being serious here!"

"Me too." Is that true, though? Luhan actually heard about Sehun starting a family 2 years ago with his girlfriend. Miyoung. From what Luhan heard earlier, it was different. He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

I Told You Not To Fall For Me ♡ HunHanWhere stories live. Discover now