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(Delilah's POV)

I woke up with my head on Joey's shoulder on the couch. I instantly got off him seeing Sawyer up.

"Hi Sawyer." I say, whispering trying not to wake Joey up.

"Hey Delilah." He said, his tone in the same as mine.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"Um around 12 AM. You were both passed out when I got here." He said smiling a bit.

"Ah, thanks. Tell Joey thanks for letting me stay and I left okay?" I ask him. He nods at me.

"Bye Delilah." He says.

"Later Sawyer." I say grabbing my camera and phone and walking home.

When I got home I swore I heard loud British accents. Like what is happening? I must be hearing things. I unlcok the door hearing footsteps.

"Delilah! People are hear to visit you!" She exclaims smiling proudly. I nod following her to where she was going. She covered my eyes with her hands and I sigh.

"It isn't that big is it Claire?" I ask her sighing.

"Possibly! Come on!" She whines coming to a hault. I feel two sets of arms wrap around me and I squeal a bit from the sudden action. Clare removes her hands and Jack and Finn are there hugging me tight.

"JACK! FINN! What are you doing here?" I ask giggling, hugging each of them.

"It was Jack's idea love, you should ask him." Finn said with a laugh.

"Jack?" I ask grinning.

"I was planning on coming over and you didn't seem happy over the phone the other day so I wanted to make you feel better!" He exclaims throwing his hands in the air.

"Jack! That's so sweet of you!" I exclaim pecking him on the lips. He laughed hugging me again.

"Anything for you darling." He says. I giggle playing with the bracelets around his arm.

"Where are the both of you fgoing to sleep though?" I ask.

"Well, I don't know where Finny is sleeping but I am sleeping with you." Jack says poking my nose. I blush a bit. And Finn glares at Jack for calling him "Finny". I giggled intertwining my fingers into his.

"Remember your rule darling," Claire reminds crossing her arms. I roll my eyes with her trying to push the fact I'm not a virgin out of my head. It's my fault I'm not, I could be in Joey's arms right now, but I'm not anywhere close now am I?

"Where were you?" Brandi asks.

"Erm, Sawyer's," I didn't bother saying Joey's name because they knew I mostly went for him anyways, "I had to clear some shit up with Joey then it starting raining and it was an hour walk so I ended up crashing there." I told them yawning a bit. I was still a bit tired.

"Aw is someone sleepy?" Jack asks swinging me up in the air. I squeal and giggle uncontrollaby as he runs up the stairs with me tight in his arms before placing me on the bed.

"Jack you're the best." I giggle, not able to take the smile off my face for more than a second.

"Get some rest, I can tell you're tired. I really want to talke you on a special date tomorrow." He says grinning and walking out the room. I nod at him walking to my closet before pulling out pjs. I was going to take a quick nap, which means I'm gonna wake up at 3 AM tomorrow morning. Because apparently, my brain likes teasing with me. I stared at the while I sat in the bed thinking, remembering, things of that sort. Mostly remembering. When Dan and Phil were over and me and Joey had to share a room. Our first fight where we were trapped in the same room. I miss him so fucking much and I hate that I have a boyfriend while these feelings are going on! I sigh closing my eyes trying to go to sleep, which of course didn't help. Joey kind of technically held me in his arms yesterday while we were sleeping didn't he? That qualifies? I guess. I give myself several questions to answer falling asleep on that hearing the door creak open slowly.

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