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When I wake up the next morning, Joey's arms are draped across my waist, but I feel a bit colder than I actually could right now. I wasn't freaked out at first because Joey and I sleep together often, but when I step out of bed and realize two things, I'm naked, and everything hurts, I let out the loudest scream known to mankind. Joey bursts awake and I hear pairs of feet running up the stairs. I cover myself with a robe and sit on the chair across from me, processing everything. Brandi, Claire, and Lillian burst through the door as Joey sits up and goes through everything I just do, constantly muttering things like "woah," and "what," and "oh my fucking gosh."

"What happened?" Claire asked.

"I don't know..." I muttered shaking my head. I have a pounding headache so that can only explain one thing. Alcohol. A fucking lot of alcohol.

"I did it again, I did it again!" I yelled standing up and crying. The girls go to hug me.

"So, you did this right?" Claire venomously questions, glaring at Joey. He bites his lip, looking from me, to the ground.

"I'm sorry." He mutters.

"Don't blame it on him, he was just as drunk as me." I mutter. They leave it, obviously going to lecture us later, and walk out.

"I'm so-so sorry Delilah, I know your whole-" He begins. I stop him.

"It's fine Joey, I already fucked up so why not do it again." I say with a small, pitiful laugh.

"I'm sorry." He mutters.

"It's fine Joey, really. Don't worry 'bout it. Go downstairs Joey, I'll meet you and the others in a few." I whisper, kissing him quickly on the lips, and hugging him tight.

"I love you Joey, I really do. Remember that okay? Please remember that." I whisper.

"Um...okay. See you in a bit Delilah." Joey mutters.

"Yeah Joey, a bit." 


-Joey's POV- (2 weeks later

"Delilah Hart was my best friend when I met her in 2013. She was perky, full of energy, and I loved that. We dated for a short period of time before we broke up. I hadn't had contact with her until this year, when I called her. She had - Delilah had really changed since I last saw her. And I wanted to fix her. I really did. I tried and I tried and I tried. But I guess I was too late. She was already unfixable. We dated, for a couple of weeks, and we went out to a club and got wasted. Really, really wasted. And the next day I woke up and - well you get the picture. I remember her telling me to go downstairs, and she'd see me in the others in a few, then she hugged me tight and told me she loved me. And then two hours later, Delilah wasn't downstairs, and Lillian went to check on her, and we - we heard this scream, and we rushed upstairs, and she was there. On the ground, not breathing. I'm going to miss Dee with all my heart, and - I don't know what I'm going to do without her. I love her. Rest in peace Delilah." I said, tears rushing down my face as I wiped my eyes, Delilah's cupcake hair and bright smile, slowly slipping out of my mind. 

i'm sorry

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