Chapter Two

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Niall's POV


At first I want to walk right into the kitchen and ask her why she was crying that day, why she was so upset and why she's here. But I decide I might catch her of guard if I do that. So I play with the rest of the girls in the orphanage for the time and I see her go up to her room.

Non of the lads or I have given here any attention so I decide to go upstairs and talk to her. See what she's like.

Just as I'm about to go upstairs the orphanage owner Brooke stops me. "I wouldn't go after her..." I make a face asking for further explanation. "..she's 13 the oldest girl here. She has deep depression and she's not very social."

"Well why isn't the orphanage doing anything to make her better?!", I ask kinda of mad at the fact they aren't doing anything to make her better and happy. I mean Brooke sounds like she has no hope for Andrea.

"There is nothing we can do about it. She doesn't talk to anyone here. Not anyone at the hospital either. She's not allowed back with her drugged up and drunk parents and she stays in her room all day. I'd like you to go and talk to her.", Brooke says challenging me.

"Okay, what's her name?, I ask.



Andrea's POV


I stayed downstairs for three hours and not any of the boys talked to me. I mean not like I was expecting them to but they are doing this for attention so at least talk to everyone.

I make my way upstairs and sit on my bed. After thinking for a bit I grab my guitar. It's what keeps me sane. I mean with depression and everything it helps a lot. I start to play wonderwall because that song means a lot. I strum when I hear someone join in singing.

* say maybe, your gonna be the one that's saves me*

*and after all, your my wonderwall (your my wonderwall)*

I jump as I see a body leaning in the frame of my door. I look over and see a blonde headed guy who looks around 18.

"You got a talent!", he tells me complimented my guitar skills. I just smile weakly. "How'd you learn to play like that?", he seems interested so I decide might as well be nice and reply.

"I tot myself when I came to the orphanage a couple months ago. All I had to bring was a guitar so thought might want to learn.", I say confidently then realize I sound stupid and look at the ground.

"Impressive. I learned guitar when I was 10. But you have natural talent. My names Niall by the way and you are?", he says. Should I really keep this conversation going. I mean no one likes me, why does he.

Oh what the heck "My names Andrea", I say quietly looking at my hands.

"Hi. I know we just met but you really have a talent on the guitar and I love playing the guitar. Would you like to come over and have a jamming session, I notice your the oldest around here and it might be fun.", Niall says. It actually sounds really fun and I haven't talk to someone outside the orphanage or hospital for months.

"I'm not so sure ill have to ask my supervisor Brooke.", I say sternly putting a guard of trust up. I don't think I should trust him at all, we just met but something about him seems like he's safe.

"You get your guitar packed up and Ill go talk to your supervisor about this. It shouldn't be a problem since I'm in one direction.", Niall says cocky but somehow charming.


ok chapter two!



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