Liz and Patty

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On Friday afternoon, Liz and Patty insisted that we all went shopping. "Come on, (y/n)!"said Liz. "We have to buy some new dresses for the party next week! Besides, don't you want some new clothes? You wear that baggy jacket almost everyday." I was surprised. "What? There's a party?" I asked, clueless. "Yep. It's to celebrate us defeating the Kishin. It's about time we did it. Everyone was just so busy repairing the school and getting everybody back on their feet after what's happened with Asura," said Liz. 

Soul, Maka, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patty and I all went out together. Crona was with Marie-sensei catching up on lessons. My friends all wore light jackets as it was early December. I decided to just go out in my jacket as winter in Death City was not really cold anyway. When we arrived at the clothing store, we each picked out an outfit we liked.   "(y/n), let's get you a new outfit too. You can't just wear that jacket all the time," said Liz. "I don't wear it all the time. Sometimes, I don't wear it when it's in the laundry," I said. Besides, it was precious to me. The two sisters took me into the dressing room while the others waited. Two minutes later, we came out. "Ta-da!" they exclaimed. I was wearing a knee-length white and (f/c) floral dress with an (f/c) cardigan. "Wow. That looks great on you, (y/n)," complimented Maka. Kid chuckled when he saw my feet. "Still wearing the same boots,huh?"he said. "Well, yeah. What if we run into some trouble? I can't fight in heels or flats. I'm also wearing shorts under my dress," I said. 

We walked back to the DMWA. We passed several students from school on the way. I noticed some of them pointing and whispering when they saw me. One girl even complimented my new outfit.

Suddenly, we heard a crash. A figure wearing a mask ran out towards the street. A man holding a pale lady whose arm was bleeding heavily yelled,"Help! he slashed my wife!" We immediately turned serious. Maka took charge. "Soul, let's get help. Tsubaki, go help that lady. Black Star, Kid, (y/n), stop that man," she said.

Following Maka's leadership, Kid, Black Star and I went after the man. Liz and Patty transformed into guns. Kid fired a few shots at the man but he dodged them all. Black Star charged at him next, trying to hit him with his soul wavelength. The man barely dodged his attack. I came up from behind him, blades ready. I managed to cut his sleeve just a bit. Suddenly, I saw a shiny blur and felt a stinging pain on my left shoulder. "What?" I thought as I leapt back. I clamped a hand over the wound on my shoulder. The man in the mask was holding a knife, blood dripping from its tip. I didn't even see him pull it out. "(y/n), are you okay?" yelled Kid. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied.

Black Star attacked the man again. This time, he managed to drive his soul wavelength into the man's abdomen. The man flew back and landed hard on the ground. Passers-by ran away screaming. "I got him!" yelled Black Star. "No, Black Star! He's getting up!" shouted Kid. Sure enough, the man was recovering quickly.

Kid charged, shooting at the man. This time, he managed to hit the man, sending him flying again. I heard a zing as the knife flew through the air, cutting Kid's sleeve just an inch. "Oh great, here it comes," I thought. "HOW DARE YOU RUIN THE SYMMETRY!" yelled Kid. He fired non-stop at the man, making him fly back. When he finally stopped, we waited for the smoke to clear.

A silhouette walked out of the smoke. " What? He still isn't down?" said Liz. I started walking towards the man. I drew my blades and charged at the man. The man tried slicing my legs but I jumped to avoid it. He kept striking, cutting my cheek, arms and body. It didn't stop me. My blade glowing, I went for his chest. "(y/n), stop!" yelled Kid. I stopped, my blade just a millimeter away from the man's chest. My blade stopped glowing and I snapped out of my trance. I turned to see Kid and Black Star staring at me. Suddenly, the man disintegrated, turning into a pile of dust on the ground. Only the mask was left. I panicked. "I-I didn't do that, did I?" 

Just then, Soul and Maka arrived with Stein and Marie. "No, (y/n)," said Stein. "The man was never real. It seems like you were fighting a dust puppet all along." "Dust puppet?" questioned Soul. "It's a puppet that's formed out of dust. A person can project his soul into it to control the puppet, which is why Kid must have been able to sense a soul in it. It turns to dust once its owner is done with it," explained Maka. "We'll take over. You can go home now," said Marie. 

On the way home, Liz shook her head and laughed. She said," You really can't stay in a dress for long, can you?" I looked down at my bloody, torn outfit. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Liz, Patty,"I said. "Well, at least you were right about the boots. Don't worry. The outfit was really cheap," she assured me. We laughed and walked back to the DMWA. 

For some reason, I asked Dr Stein for the mask when we got back. I'm not sure why I did that. It was just a plain, completely white mask shaped like a person's face. But why was it when I stared at it, I could feel my blood turn cold in my veins?

Author's Note: Thanks for reading. Do you want me to give Crona a gender? Next chapter may be a little long.

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