Soul Resonance

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Reader's POV

All of a sudden, the black blood pouring out of the pipes stopped and the ground became steady under our feet again. We turned when we heard footsteps running towards us from the entrance behind us. 

"Maka!" I exclaimed when I saw my friend running towards me, carrying a figure clad in black over one shoulder. She collapsed in an exhausted heap in front of us. "Are you okay?" I asked when I saw that she was bleeding. "Don't worry. It's nothing that I'm not used to," she replied. "Dr Stein, please help Crona," she said. I realised that the figure she had been carrying was a very pale and sickly-looking Crona. Stein came over and bandaged the wounds on Crona's back as well as Maka's less severe injuries. "She's lost a lot of blood but don't worry. The black blood should keep her alive. We'll have to give her a blood transfusion once we get back to Shibusen, though," the mad scientist said. 

A huge piece of the ceiling fell and part of the wall crumbled. "Oh no. The black blood may have stopped but the earthquake already damaged this place. It's still coming down," I said. "If this underground village collapses, it could affect the nearby towns," said Stein. 

"We'll need a huge amount of energy to stop the effect of the earthquake," said Maka. A chunk of ceiling narrowly missed her head. "And to stop us from getting buried alive here," added Black Star. "We could perform a group soul resonance. All of us including Stein and Justin," Kid said. 

"Okay, then. Let's do it!" said Maka, taking lead.

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