Swords and Camellia Blossoms

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Black Star sat next to his partner who was still resting in the dispensary. "Then, I totally beat the enemy up!" he yelled, finishing his story. Tsubaki smiled gently at her meister, listening to him patiently. "Anyway, how are you, Tsubaki?" he asked. Slightly shocked by his concern, she took a few seconds to reply. "I'm doing good," she said. 

"Great!" said the grinning assasin. "You know, it was really cool how you fought back there." "Huh?" said his confused weapon. "Marie-sensei told me how you defeated him. He told you that he killed me. Then, you got taken over by the madness for a while. But you managed to break free from it on your own and took the masked guy down," he said. "Are you sure you're okay now, Tsubaki?" he asked, meeting her blue eyes. 

Blushing, she nodded. "Am I okay? Are you okay, Black Star? What's with all the sudden concern you're showing me?" "Why did you spare him? He almost killed you!" he said. "Oh! It's okay, Black Star. He wasn't a kishin soul. Even if he is a monster, I don't want to kill him. I already took him down. I don't ever want to become a monster. I want to stay like this because of...someone," she explained. Black Star humphed stubbornly.

"Anyway, it was really awesome how you defeated him. You're the best weapon ever!" he told her, grinning. The poor weapon's face turned so red that she thought her face was going to explode. 

"But really. That guy hurt you. If you want me to beat him up, I can go there right now and-" he was cut off when Tsubaki kissed his cheek. 

"Hey, you idiot! What are you doing, watching two people kiss!" yelled a familiar voice. They turned to see Crona in her bed in the far end of the room, Ragnarok beating her head. "Oh no! They saw us. I don't know how to deal with this!" their pink-haired friend said.

"We're sorry, Crona. Did we wake you?" asked the polite weapon. "You're going to wake up the whole neighbourhood, Black Star," said Nygus, standing in the doorway. "Shouldn't you three be resting? You all have severe injuries." 

The blue-haired ninja puffed up his chest and shouted," What do you mean? No injury can stop the great-" He stopped and yelped when Nygus poked his wound gently. With a final order for all of them to rest, she went out of the dispensary. Once the door closed behind her, she smiled behind her bandages. "Kids these days." 

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