Chapter seventeen: A demi god and immortal

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Grimacing at the monster before me, I spin back around looking into my brothers now cerise eyes. My thoughts spun around my head, the biggest question of all taunted me until all I could muster out towards my brother was "why?", I couldn't understand it myself. Why go through all the effort to earn my trust then loose it again.

"Because Raven, Luke here has something to say" Blake announced, gesturing to the blonde haired immortal standing behind me. Reluctantly, my gaze found his, those arctic blue eyes that had once fooled me.

"Raven listen to me" he begins, but just hearing his voice irritates me. I'd already heard enough and when I found myself pushing past him towards the exit, a strong grip grabbed onto my shoulders pulling me back in place. It was clear that Blake wanted me to hear what Luke had to say.
"I was wrong ok, you're not a monster!" Luke admitted.

"Why continue lying to yourself Luke" I scoff, turning my face away from him. Blake removed one of his hands to re position my face so that we both were looking eye to eye with each other.
"Why are you working with him" I moan, turning my head to look at my dear brother. Instead of an answer he just turned me back so I was facing the immortal.

"I know I went a little too far Raven, I know I hurt you" he says, composing himself.

"You hardly know anything stupid immortal" I mutter loud enough for him to hear it. Blake began to sigh behind me, clearly I proved to be more trouble to handle.

"Raven please I'm trying to apologise" Luke pleads to me, his eyes looking genuine. I look deeply into his eyes for a moment, the eyes that I longed to look upon me in love, the eyes I longed to look into every day.
I shook my head immediately, he was tricking me with those eyes of his, making my thoughts fill up with stupid confessions of love. I don't need his love and he made it very clear the day I turned back into a reaper that he would never love me. Blake let out a small chuckle behind me.

"Looks like my little sister hasn't lost all her true feelings for a certain immortal" he whispers into my ear. I sneer at just the words, I can't love Luke it's not something I want to do, I don't want to be with him at all.
I could hear other reapers in the hall shouting in the background.

"The immortal's in the princes room your majesty" one reaper shouts down the endless corridor. I turn to look up at Blake and I could see a look of fear plastered on his face. They had found Luke earlier than he thought. I grinned at this, soon the reapers would barge in and arrest Luke for trespassing and I would be able to leave to the coastal region to begin preparations.

"Luke, plan B" Blake orders to him. Luke humbly nods and barricades the door with various pieces of furniture inside Blake's bedroom.

"If you think that will stop them, you're mad" I state proudly at the both of them.

"Oh I know it won't stop them sister, but it will give us enough time to take you to earth" Blake announced, grabbing a small piece of black fabric out of his pocket and bringing around my mouth, until I was no longer able to speak. This is insane, I'm being kidnapped by my own brother. Blake quickly tied my hands behind my back before I could fight back and as he attempted to tie my feet together, I brought my knee up right in between his legs. He let out a growl of pain once I did it and let go of my legs so that I was able to move them.

I scurried along to my scythe that was leaning against the wall, thinking I could rub it against the rope binding my hands but my plan was ruined when Luke grabbed me by the waist, swinging me over his back so that I couldn't run anywhere. Blake, back on his feet walked towards Luke and finished tying my feet together. I was powerless, I couldn't speak to summon any reapers to my side, I couldn't use my hands to summon my scythe and I couldn't even move my feet to run away. I tried my best to squirm around as I was balanced on Luke's shoulder but that just made him tighten his grip on me until I couldn't even jerk my body at all.

Looking in the mirror on the wall, I could see Blake nod towards Luke as he jumped out of the bedroom window. Luke hurried along to the open window and pulled me off his shoulder so that he was carrying me in both arms. I glared at him but he just smiled sinisterly at me as he nodded below me and threw my body out the window.

I knew I couldn't die, I was death, one of the only Gods that couldn't die. I felt another pair of strong arms catch me and I was greeted with a pair of cerise eyes, Blake had clearly stood under the window so that Luke could pass me onto him so that they could both escape to earth. Blake soon swung me over his shoulder just as he twirled his scythe in the air to open a portal to earth. I looked at Luke who was running to catch up with him, he had a proud look plastered on his face almost as if he had just became the most powerful man in the world. If he thought kidnapping me would do that then he had another thing coming. Both of them jumped through the portal until I was surrounded with the familiar New York apartment I had dwelled in when I was stripped from my powers. Blake placed me onto the sofa in the small apartment and the first familiar face I was greeted with was Luke's brother.

He smiled as he saw me sitting there and placed a chair in front of me, so that Luke could take a seat in front of me, which he did. I was now being forced to hear what Luke had to say and shockingly the first words that came out of his mouth was not a cry for sympathy or an apology, it was his pride talking.
"You will never get my soul Raven"

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