Chapter forty eight: Son of Satan

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Leonardo Hellington. Son of the devil himself. I've known him for years now. He's deceiving, despicable and dastardly evil. Yet, he seems to show a little kindness towards me. He made it his mission to get a smile from me, but when he finally got it, he was shocked to the core.

I look into Leo's pleading eyes. What has happened to me? I look at the ground and think over everything.

I started to change when I fell in love with Luke. When I allowed myself to love!

Thinking of how Leo was reacting to this, images of our first meeting flashes in my mind.

I remember it vividly. The day the devil and I met. I was only 13 and had already began my reaper training. Father decided to assign me the souls that were condemned down to hell, telling me to reap the souls of those who did nothing but wrong. Along with this assignment, he took me on a trip down to the fiery pit that is hell.

There I was introduced to Satan, or Lucifer as he likes to be called. His amber eyes were piercing when we first met, however I wasn't frightened. Not one bit.

"This must be Raven. Your youngest child Thanatos" Lucifer had said, looking me up and down with his cold amber eyes.

"Indeed. She shows so much potential, if only Blake too showed this. Anyway, I heard you too have a son" my father had commented to Satan as he glanced around the fire filled throne room.

"Ah yes, my pride and joy. Leonardo!!" Lucifer had called his son from the top of his voice, bellowing around the very room we stood in.
"He has just turned 14"

"Still a long life to live yet" I remember my father chuckling as they commented on their years of experience with the death cycle.

I remember growing bored at their small talk and ventured off into the halls of hell. When I was glancing at a certain fiery pit that demons were pushing condemned souls into, was when I was introduced to Leonardo Hellington.

"So you're that reaper girl I've heard of" Leo had muttered from behind me. I had spun around to look into his eyes. The amber orbs he used to look me up and down were glowing vividly.
"Why are you wearing that hood?" He asked as he sneered at me.

"Only those I trust shall see my appearance" I had shot back confidently.

"Enough games!" He bellowed. Leo had leaped at me in attempt to bring my hood down however I just skilfully dodged his attempt.

"For the son of Satan, you sure are pathetic" I had seethed at him, walking back down the hall. A low growl followed me as well as his racing footsteps.

"You're the pathetic one. You hold no true power at all. All you reapers do is swish your scythe to get a soul. Us demons do all the torturing while you just relax down in your fancy little underworld"

That was when he stepped over the line. I remember gripping onto my scythe so tightly that my knuckles had grown white. I glared right into his amber eyes. Leo gave me a shocked look as my eyes had grown pitch black.

"You may think you demons are all high and mighty but the truth is this is all a game to you! You torture the souls of humans while reapers keep the balance in check. Without this balance, the world would erupt into chaos! So bite your tongue little demon, and keep it there until you realise where the true work comes from"

After I had bellowed those words at him, I stormed down the corridor with him tailing behind me until we finally made our way back to the throne room. Lucifer smirked at me as I entered, as did my father.

"They will make a great team" father had said.

"Partners in crime" Lucifer commented.

Leo and I had both looked repulsed at the idea. We hated each other and the thought of working together made this worse.

The first mission we had together was to collect the soul of a bully. Leo and I walked the streets of earth in silence as we searched for the bully's soul.

"Do you ever smile?" Leo had asked, breaking the silence.

"I have nothing to smile for" I announced, focusing my eyes on the path ahead.

"You sure are interesting Raven Reaper" Leo said, marvelling at me.

"I thought you hated me a moment ago" I sneered at him.

"Have you ever heard the saying the best of friends start off as enemies?"

"Have you ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat" I said in annoyance.

"You know, I think you're starting to warm up to me"

"Do you? Because I don't"

"You know what. I'm going to make it my goal to get you to crack a smile"

"What a pointless goal that will be"

"Cheer up, you're with the best demon in the business! You should be honoured"

"I'd be honoured to get away from you"

Secretly I had lied at that comment. Leo was right, I had started to warm up to him. His company was a lot more interesting than the company of anyone down in the underworld. Leo had crawled his way into my cold black heart. He had become a friend to me. From then on, he and I were friends. I may have scowled at him for his stupidity but that was what he wanted. By being stupid, he thought I'd cave in and smile. I never did, all until today.

Sinking to my knees, I look into the eyes of my old friend.
"What's happened to me?" I sob out, grasping my head into my hands. Leo walks towards me and helps me off the ground.

"Rave it's ok. I'll help you fix this, we just have to get rid of one little problem"

"The mortal" Blake growls out.

Perhaps he's right. Luke is the cause of my weakness. The first time we met, I was asked to collect his soul. The time has finally come. Tonight, I shall collect Luke Smiths soul and end this torture!

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