Chapter Sixty: Birthright

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"Well frankly Raven, being the daughter of death does not give you any power over me or my child. I am not dead therefore you do not rule over me. The only person who gets to decide what happens is me. This child is growing inside of my body. My body, my rules. I will control what happens to my child whether you like it or not"

"You aren't thinking straight Ally. Listen, you are a dear friend of mine, and someone I would never wish harm to. But that child could be the key to letting the Vampire King win this war, which everyone seems to forget is still happening! Just because I was absent for a few weeks, doesn't mean the war is suddenly called off.

This is real life Ally. And the real world is dangerous. Do you really want to birth a child during all this chaos regardless of the father? Your child would be your weakness. Even if it wasn't the vampire kings child, that doesn't mean it would be safe from him. Adam wants you, and he would stop at nothing to get you. Even if it meant stealing your child. Do you really want your own flesh and blood to be used against you like that?"

"You can't guilt trip me like that! I'm not a naive little girl anymore. I'm fully aware what this hell we call Earth is"

"...this is nothing like hell" Leo scoffs.

"Not the point. Earth hasn't been flawless since the day mankind was born. It's never been truly safe. There are psychopaths that want to do unimaginable things to a child, and mothers are fully aware of this, but that doesn't stop them. You want to know why Raven?"

I look into her eyes that are suddenly filled with a fire I cannot extinguish. Her blue eyes burn right through me as she expectantly awaits a response.

"And why is that?"

"Because a mother's love in unconditional. A mother's love is protective. Nothing can ever break a mother's love for their child, and that will be no different with me. I will protect this child with my own life if I have to. This child will be born, and they will have an amazing life ahead of them despite the circumstances."

"That's ironic coming from an orphan" I blurt out, but soon regret my own words.

The fire in those sapphire eyes dim for just a moment, but then blaze back up. Leo looks at me, with disgust in his eyes? Is the devils son really mad with me over saying what is true?

"My mother made a sacrifice so I could live. And so did my sister. All my life I believed that my mother never loved me. I spent years thinking and endless nights crying, wondering why I wasn't good enough. Why I wasn't good enough to be in her life. But then I found out who my real mother was. I found out she did what she did to give me my best chance. And my child's best chance is with me and Callum. I don't care who the father may be. Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps we could use this power for good?"

"Out of the question. Dark magic will always be dark. You cannot change fate Ally"

"How would you know? Have you ever tried?!"

"That is enough Ally! Will you just listen to me for once? You may be part angel, but you still have much to learn about magic. When that baby is born, I will decide it's fate, I don't care about your mother's intuition. If I deem that child as a danger to our world, I will destroy it"

I watch as tears brim in Ally's eyes. And before she can say anything else, I snap my fingers and she vanishes in a plume of smoke.

Sighing, I rub my temples and fall into the nearest chair. My power is still slowly returning to me, and transporting Ally home really took it out of me.

"Are you satisfied with yourself Raven?" I hear Leo speak up.

"You're still here? I thought you would have followed little miss goody goody home"

"What happened to you? Raven you were changing. You were becoming good? Are you telling my your old reaper ways are retuning?"

"I don't know what you are trying to insinuate Leonardo, but I can assure you my 'old' ways never left. They just lay dormant for a while"

"Well perhaps they should have stayed that way. Look at what is becoming of you. You just threatened one of your best friend's Raven! She is going to have such a hard time during this pregnancy, and she certainly didn't need the fear of someone she once trusted threatens to kill the baby at any moment"

"I am only doing what is right"

"You May think that what you are doing is right. But you still have so much to learn before you can truly understand the meaning of righteousness"

"That's rich coming from the spawn of Satan"

"Your birthright doesn't define you Raven. You of all people should know that. I hope you listen to my words carefully. You can still make this right. Ally will understand-"

"I am not apologising if that is what you are implying!"

"Maybe Ally is wrong about you. Maybe there was no good in you to begin with. Goodbye Raven"

"Leo wait!"

But I was too late. I watched as his amber eyes vanished along with him. I knew where he went, but I will not follow him. I know deep down that I am doing what is right.

You cannot win a battle against fate. Many have tried but none have succeeded. And I will not waste my time trying to change destiny when I can just avoid it all together. My "old" ways were never gone. They have always been deep within me. You can't teach an old dog new tricks after all. And I grew up with this ideals. To change them would be difficult.

But, what if I am wrong? Is that even a possibility?

I suppose only the fates know what is in store for us. For now, I will just bide my time. Something is about to happen, I can sense it. And it's something bad.

That I know.

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