Chapter fifty five: A blue lining

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Have you ever wondered how easy it is for something to come to an end? Have you ever thought that one day you could be speaking to someone, and then the next day they're gone.



That's how I feel at this exact moment in time. I feel as if I no longer know who my own brother is. Then again, this isn't exactly an unfamiliar feeling. I've never truly known who my brother is.

I didn't even know who Rayne was.

But he did.

He's always been one step ahead of me...

Why do I feel obliged to forget about this though? Is it because he's the only family member I have left?

Or is it because I'm going through a dire situation.

I don't know how to break this to myself, let alone anyone else but...

My eyes are now fully blue. There's not even a trace of darkness in them. They're blue and that's all there is to it.

Maybe I'm so shocked, that my eyes turned blue, because that's all I see staring back at me in the cracked mirror on the wall.

I guess I'm just trying to process the fact that Rayne has been hiding so much more than I thought. I truly underestimated him.

"What on earth are you talking about" Rayne grits out, staring daggers into my brothers eyes.

"You know exactly what I mean. You're the cursed apprentice. Well, were" Blake says, chuckling.

Rayne lunges for Blakes throat, grasping it between his large hands.

"Be careful what you say boy" Rayne sneers, lifting Blake higher from the ground.

"I...can't...die" Blake splutters out, his face growing red.

"Maybe not. But you can feel pain" Rayne says, his eyes growing darker.

For a moment I'm frozen. What do I do? Should I help him? Or should I leave him to feel the pain he so rightfully deserves...




Damn these blue eyes....

I charge at Rayne, knocking him over which allows his grip to loosen on Blake long enough for him to break free.

"RAYNE HOW DARE YOU" I hear a voice come from towards the door.

Impulsively, everyone in the room turns to glance at a red faced Crowe. If I wasn't feeling so woozy, I would be able to see the steam coming from her ears.

"How dare you lay your hand on my son!" Crowe beams, marching over to him.

"He was asking for it" Rayne says as he stands up, dusting himself off.

"Asking for it? I thought I made it clear that you do not lay a single hand on my children!"

"We're not your kids" I spit out, myself standing up.

Crowe turns to me, the anger in her face slowly being replaced by one of shock.

"Raven, what happened to your eyes" she says, reaching her hands towards my face.

Quickly, I smack them away. I don't want her filthy hands touching me.

She slowly turns back to face her wizard boyfriend.

"I mean it Rayne, don't ever lay a single hand on these children again. Especially with Ravens condition" Crowe says, sighing.

I think over her words, anger rilling up inside of me.

"Condition?" I say, in anger and shock.
"You think this is some sort of condition? An illness or something. Is that what you're implying? Because frankly, it's much more than a 'condition'. But you wouldn't know that would you. You haven't raised me so you wouldn't know anything about me!"

"Raven, sweetheart-"

"Don't EVER call me that" I say through gritted teeth.

"Raven. This isn't normal. Your eyes shouldn't be blue, they should be red like your brother's"

"IF YOU EVER KNEW'd know my eyes have never truly been normal" I say, my voice turning almost to a whisper. I take a step back from the scene and try to concentrate.

If only I was stable enough, I could summon my scythe...

Everything becomes a blur as I try to stabilise myself.

The voices in the room turn to mumbles as I scrunch my eyebrows in concentration.

If only I could just be able to do this and summon my scythe, I could escape.

But nothing is working....

Why must I be so weak?

Why must I be so different?


For a moment there's silence.

It's quiet....too quiet

I look up to see everyone staring at me.

Did I say that out loud?

"Raven, you were never destined to be normal" Crowe says, carefully glancing between me and Rayne.

My attention turns to Rayne and I find him chuckling.

Why is he finding this funny?

"Oh this is precious" he blurts out, laughing uncontrollably.

"Rayne" Crowe says, almost as if it was a warning.

"What is so funny?" I ask, turning to Blake.

But it's his reaction that is alarming. Those eyes of concern that I witnessed before, they've returned.

But my eyes are already fully blue, what else could be so worrying?

"You poor poor child!" Rayne says, sneering at me.

"You're oblivious to all of this, aren't you?"


What's going on?

"You should be careful what you wish for miss reaper, because I believe your wish may have come true" Rayne says.

Slowly he turns his head to the cracked mirror on the wall. I too turn my attention towards it, and within the wooden frame, I see a human.

That's right, a human. It's not me!

At least, it's not my reaper reflection...

Instead, there's an all too familiar crimson streak in my hair. One that I haven't seen for months.

Yet, there it is. Staring right back at me.

I turn to Crowe to see that shock has taken over her.

Am I naturally turning into a mortal?

Is that why it was so easy for Luke to cause me pain earlier?

If my deduction is correct, that means I've been slowly deteriorating ever since Ally first turned me to a mortal, which is why it would explain my human emotions....

A slow clap echoes the room.




"Well look at that, I do believe our sacrifice is ready" Rayne says, an evil glint in his eyes.

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