6X07 Give Peace A Chance

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Derek: Ask most surgeons why they became surgeons and they usually tell you the same thing. It was for the high, the rush, the thrill that comes from cutting someone open and saving their life. For me it was different, maybe it was because I grew up in a house with four sisters. No, definitely because I grew up in a house with four sisters because it was the quiet that drew me to surgery. The operating room is a quiet place. Peaceful. It has to be in order for us to stay alert, anticipate complications. When you stand in the OR, your patient open on the table, all the worlds noise, all the worry that it brings disappears. A calm settles over you, time passing without thought. For that moment, you feel completely at peace. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meredith: I don't understand.

Derek: There's nothing to understand. I stood there for ten hours- staring.
Meredith: In the OR? You stood for ten hours and did nothing?
Derek: Yeah. Okay, lets talk about you now. How was your day?
Meredith: My day, oh my day was... You know, I slept. And I ate the entire boy of cereal. I left three voice mails for Izzie, I'm sure she won't return any of them, I started and gave up on Ana Karenina for the 15th time...
Derek: You wanna talk about the tumor?
Meredith: I do please, I admit it I'm a surgery junky.
Derek: Aaah, it was more vascular than the MRI showed.
Meredith: But you were able to do the decompression.
Derek: Yes.
Meredith: But you weren't able to find a plane to dissect.
Derek: No plane, nothing. It was just... no path, nothing distinct.
Meredith: But why?
Derek: Because, it was just... it... You know what...
Meredith: What are you doing? (he starts to turn the bed around)
Derek: Just watch and learn. Okay. Tumor – it's here. (draws on the wall)
Meredith: Now you have completely lost your mind.
Derek: ...T7 goes all the way up to T2.
Meredith: You're drawing on the wall!


  Meredith: But you didn't cut the cord, even though Isaac said you could, even though you knew it would save his life.

Derek: Well he still has function in his legs.
Meredith: No but what I mean is, you didn't cut the cord, you stood in the OR for 10 hours, you knew the Chief would stop you, anybody else would have, and you didn't. So, there must be a reason why.


  (Derek walks in with the bottle of champagne, and kisses Meredith)

Meredith: Okay, so, I've heard almost everything from Cristina, but I wanna hear your version. So, start from the beginning, and tell me everything. (pause). Derek? Derek? (Derek is asleep)


Derek: Ask most surgeons why they became surgeons and they usually tell you the same thing. The high, the rush, the thrill of the cut. For me it was the quiet. Peace isn't a permanent state. It exists in moments. Fleeting. Gone before we knew it was there. We can experience it at any time, in a stranger's act of kindness, a task that requires complete focus or simply the comfort of an old routine. Everyday we all experience these moments of peace. The trick is to know when they're happening so that we can embrace them, live in them. And finally let them go.  

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