S.I.M.D.I.A files

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Special International Military and

Detective Intelligence Agency



Date of first active: November 15, 2014

Target area/country: China

Main suspect: Cray Arthur "King of Kings" Blanchaglace

Affiliation of suspect: Dark Blood

Notorious level of suspect: black


Operation Palisades started in the center of Beijing, China. However the attack pattern of the culprits is noted to be the third day of the week. Autopsy reports show that the dead victims of these attacks died due to allot of ways, some of the missing victims however are afterwards seen in a far location dead and either burned or gruesomely mutilated. This operation was nicknamed: Death wave. There are stories of who these inhumane people are but there are only two possible suspects. There is also leaked coverage of the attacks taken by security cameras of both public street surveillances and of those facilities being attacked. However the films caught are evidently altered, for that even that the faces of the victims are clearly shown, and so is their screaming voices, those of the attacking party are blackened out and their voices are unrecognizable. These attacks are noted to be unstoppable, by both the military and police force. Even if the main suspect is recognized, there is an unsettling fact; the king of kings may not truly exist.

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