Chapter 6

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I started my lessons the next day. I got a general background of the elements in History, I spent two hours learning about what the Greeks thought about the elements in Mythology (yes, I get mythology classes), and then it was lunchtime. All of my classes were just me and Mackenzie, because they taught us is pairs. It seemed fair enough; I was pretty sure Scarlett and Tony knew more History than I did, and I guessed they wouldn't want to be learning the same thing over and over again every year. 

After lunch, I had my lessons with Wyatt, which were a lot more exciting than the ones with Ben. First, we had a 'Survival' course for the outside, where we learn to build campfires and tents. It was actually pretty fun. After that, I was due to start a 'Weapons' class, which sounded fun to me. The only two lessons that I didn't have today (we only had six different lessons, ironically) was Science and Power Development. 

I was a bit worried about the Weapons class. I had never even so much as looked at anything dangerous any further than a kitchen knife in my life. Before we started, Wyatt explained to me why we used swords and armour as well as modern day stuff like guns. "The History is part of you, Eli, you've got to remember that. Without it, we would know nothing about what you six are. The reason Aiden and Andrea fight with swords is because in certain mythology, those two particular weapons were said to enhance the Gods of Earth and Wind. They were very hard to procure."

"So your saying that when in Greek Mythology, weapons were used to make people better with their powers, it actually did?" I asked doubtfully. 

"Well, yes, that's the theory. It seems to work as well." he told me. He pointed to a weapons rack a few feet away. On it were a bow and sheath or arrows, a few hunting knives, three different guns, two swords and a spear. "Go and pick one." Wyatt told me. 

"Um..." I stared at them. Wyatt nodded encouragingly. "I don't know how to use any-"

"It doesn't matter, Eli." Wyatt insisted. "Just pick one." 

"Okay." I muttered. I walked over to the small rack. I didn't really fancy my chances with a gun. I'd be one of those idiots who shot himself in the foot. I lifted the spear experimentally, but it felt weird and unbalanced in my hands, so I put it back. I picked up a sword, guessing this would be the easiest weapon to use. I'd never been so wrong in my life. 

Mackenzie had a sword too. "Go easy on him." Wyatt warned her. I wondered if we should be wearing some kind of armour or something, in case, you know, we got stabbed, but there didn't seem to be any around. Mackenzie attacked first, going straight for my left leg. I tried to block the hit, but her sword skimmed my hand and I dropped it. 

"Uh, can I try a different one?" I asked, picking the sword back up.

"Go ahead, Eli." Wyatt said with obvious amusement. "We're here until you pick a weapon that suits you."

"Why do I need a weapon, anyway?" I asked, putting the sword back, and wiping the blood off the back of my hand. 

"Because eventually the Hunters will find us." Wyatt warned. "And you need to be ready. Sometimes, in times of the greatest need, your powers might fail you. It happened to Tony." 

"Really?" I pressed curiously, still staring intently at the weapons rack. 

"The fire, in the labs? He was the first on scene. He should have been able to cool the fire, at least, but his powers failed him. They didn't help him when he needed them most." 

"Oh." I said. I picked up one of the knives, but I didn't fancy my chances in close combat. Which left one thing. I picked up the bow, and pulled one arrow out of the sheath. I remembered vaguely a school trip to an adventure park, where I'd got my first try of one of these. I wasn't too great, but I suppose it was my only choice. 

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