Chapter 14

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I woke up dazed and confused. For a moment, I thought I was back at the castle. Then I took in the hotel room around me, and remembered everything that had happened. I felt dread and exhaustion flood through me. I heard the sound of the shower in the en-suit bathroom, and sat up. Tony was still fast asleep, grumbling into his pillow, so I guessed it must be Aiden in the shower. 

I rolled off the bed, and found that I was right next to the window. I looked out, and saw that it was raining. Typical British summer. I nudged Tony. "Come on, get up." I said tiredly. "We've got to go soon. It's half eight." 

"Go away, kid." he mumbled, turning over in his bed. Aiden snuck in a few seconds later, fully dressed, with wet hair. He had a bucket of water in one hand, though where he'd got the bucket from I didn't know. He crept up to Tony's bed quietly, then tipped the bucket of warm water over his head. I guess cold water wouldn't have bothered Tony. "Ahh!" Tony shouted, struggling out of his bed. "You!" he hissed at Aiden, who, like me, was doubled over, laughing. 

He shoved me over on his way to the bathroom, and I just laughed harder. When I eventually stopped, I picked myself up and made my bed. A few seconds later, Tony appeared out of the bathroom, and I scooted in. I had a quick shower and changed into the clothes that I wore yesterday since I didn't have any clean ones, and went back into the bedroom. Tony and Aiden were waiting for me so that we could go for breakfast. 

There was a soft knock on the door, and I heard Scarlett call out, "Are you three ready?". I got up and went over to the door. I glanced through the peep-hole, and then opened the door. 

"We're ready." I said. Mackenzie and Andy were waiting with Scarlett, and I gestured for Aiden and Tony to come too. 

"Make sure you've got everything," Scarlett warned. "Because we won't be coming back to the room." I suddenly spotted something on my bedside table, and ran over and grabbed it quickly. It was my set of keys from home, which I'd somehow been able to save from everything that had happened. When we'd got to the Hunters' facility, they must have not searched us all that well, because Tony still had his glasses and Andy still had her hat as well. In fact, I only remember them taking away our weapons. They didn't search us at all. 

We followed the signs down for breakfast. I was glad to see that Scarlett had remembered the duffel bag with all our money, car keys and her fake IDs in it. When we got downstairs, we found a table that was big enough for all of us, and quickly ordered a cooked breakfast each. 

The waiter gave us a funny look, and I guessed we must look pretty scary, covered in cuts and bruises, all wearing black t-shirts and jeans. It was just as well that he didn't know about the knife that I was stowing in the waistband of my jeans. He didn't say anything, but went to get our breakfasts and drinks. 

"We need to hurry up or he'll call the police." I told everyone quietly. Mackenzie nodded. 

"How much further is it to the safehouse?" she asked. 

"Another day or so in the car, if I don't get too lost." Scarlett commented. We all fell quiet as the waiter came over with our drinks, that we gulped down quickly, all of us very thirsty. We quickly ordered another drink each, and by the time it arrived, so did our food. We all ate as fast as we could and then we followed Scarlett to the main reception, where she checked us out. We went out to the car, (getting wet as it was still raining) and Aiden, Mackenzie and Andy all got in the same seats as yesterday. 

I went to get in the boot seat, but Tony stopped me. "I'll take the boot seat, kid." he said. I spared a moment to glare at him, then went and got in the passenger side seat again, as Scarlett got in the driver's side. 

As we set off, she turned on the radio, and Andy, Aiden and Mackenzie started talking in the back. Within ten minutes, Tony had fallen asleep and I realised he'd wanted the boot seat so he could put his feet up. I just read out the directions to Scarlett, and fiddled with the set of keys that were in my pocket. I also took a peek at the fake IDs that Wyatt had left for Scarlett. There was a passport and a driver's license for Tony under a false name as well. 

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