Chapter 6

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While we were driving, we all decided to go clubbing. Since it was Saturday, we had the whole day Sunday to be hung-over!Once we got to the hotel, we decided to play seven minutes in heaven to pass the time by. We all went to my room and Randy invited a few more people. I met Maryse, Mike (The Miz), Dolph Ziggler, and The Bella Twins. We all sat down in the living room and started playing.

“Okay, everyone pick a number from the bowl.” I said. I wrote down numbers 1-6 two times on little pieces of paper. I put them in a bowl, and mixed them around. I passed the bowl around the circle, and everyone got their number.

“Who has number 1?” I asked.

“I do,” Katy and Dolph said.

“Cool, now go in that closet!”

They walked into the closet together. For a while we heard nothing, but quiet talking. I looked over at John and he looked j-e-a-l-o-u-s. I walked over to the closet door, knocked and said “TIMES UP!”

They both came out and Katy’s lipstick seemed to be smeared a little. Looks like John noticed, and he was about to explode. Does little Johnny have feelings for Katy? I think so!!

“Anyone have number 4?” I asked.

Nikki and Mike raised their hands. They both got up and went into the closet. After the 7 minutes, they came out holding hands.

“Awe, that’s so cute!” I said.

Nikki was now blushing!

“Who has number 5?” I asked.

Maryse and Ted walked into the closet. 7 minutes later they came out and Maryse looked really happy.

“Number 2,” I said.

Cory and Cody looked at each other and Cory blushed. They both got up and walked into the closet.

*Cory’s P. o. V.*

We walked into the closet and the door quickly shut after us.

“Why is it so dark?” I asked.

“It’s a closet for clothes, it’s not meant to be played in” he said.

I sat down in one of the corners, and felt Cody sit down next to me too.

“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” he said.

“Trust me I do. You’re just so cute, and your dashing smile and you’re so nice and sweet. You’re polite, and strong. You have a great bo-” I rambled until Cody pulled me into a kiss.

This kiss was, wow. I could melt into him right now. He is such a good kisser. He pulled away and said, “You talk too much.”

Just then Aby opened the door and it was time to come out.

What does that mean ‘I talk too much’, did he do that just to shut me up? Does he even know how I feel about him? Was the flirting completely nothing to him? Maybe going to the club will make me feel better.

*Aby’s P. o. V.*

Cory walked out with a confused then angry expression. Huh, I’ll have to talk to her later about it.

“Number 6,” I said. Just then Randy got up. I looked down at my paper and I had 6 too. I got up with Randy and walked into the closet.

“Gosh, it’s dark in here,” I muttered.

“Is Aby scared?” Randy asked.

“Yeah, I never did like the dark. I’m always reminded of what happened to my parents,” I admitted.

Why does he have to be hot and married? (Randy Orton Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now