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Ambers POV
I was sat on the bleachers, along with many other people from my school, cheering as the schools Baseball team made their way onto the field. I had managed to get a seat on the front row so I had a very clear view of the game. My eyes scanned the team of boys for my brother, till I spotted a jersey with 'Hood' printed on the back.

I sat back against the bench as the game started, not really understanding any of the rules. I had only came to watch because I promised my older brother Calum I would. Both our parents were working and I felt bad that he wouldn't have anybody to support him, especially since I know how much this match means to him.

It was Calum's turn to bat and he stood in position, gripping the baseball bat tightly in his hands. The ball was bowled at him and he hit it with a lot of force. The ball flew off into the distance as Calum sprinted round the bases, managing to score a home run. I smiled to myself as I watched him high five his team mates, the other team only just returning the ball to home.

I tucked my gingery-golden hair behind my ears as it blew in the wind, my green eyes still glued to the game. Next to bat was a tall boy with the cutest smile, his dimples showing. His golden hair shone in the sun and curled down over his forehead, his hazel-green eyes catching the light. He took the same position Calum had, ready to swing the bat. The ball was bowled and he swung for it, whacking it with so much force.

That's when it hit me, literally hit me. I had no time to react as the ball smashed into my face, pain shooting through my nose immediately. I heard the crowd around me hiss in sympathetic pain and everyone on the field came to a halt. I clutched my nose and squeezed my eyes shut as blood began to run down my face and I began to feel dizzy.

I opened my eyes slightly to see Calum sprinting across the field towards me, his face panic stricken. The batter whose ball had just hit me in the face, had now stopped in the middle of his run, his mouth agape in pure shock. He soon came to his senses and ran towards me on the bleachers. People around me were asking if I was okay but I ignored them as Calum approached.

"Shìt, Amber!" He panicked, pulling his jersey over his head and balling it up, holding it against my nose to try and stop the bleeding.

The curly haired boy had made it over to us, guilt written across his face.

"Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you and I honestly didn't know the ball would hit you!" He rambled, obviously feeling bad about the situation.

"No, it's okay." I mumbled but I felt like I was going to faint.

"We need to go to a hospital, now! I think your nose is broken." Calum exclaimed, gently pulling me up off the bleachers.

Calum put his arm around my waist to support me and the curly haired boy copied his actions on my other side. I tried to ignore the throbbing pain in my nose as they guided me away from the field and out to Calum's car.

"You drive" Calum said to the boy, throwing him the car keys.

He caught them and hopped into the drivers seat, starting the car, as Calum sat me in back seat, sitting down next to me.

I felt very nauseous and I was beginning to see spots in my vision. I could still feel the warm blood trickling down my hand which made me feel worse.

"Amber? Amber?" Calum was calling my name but I could no longer focus on him, my vision blurred and my sound muffled, I passed out.

Okay so I don't know the full story line for this fanfiction yet so the updates will probably be quite slow but I hope you enjoy reading it anyway. ~ Hannah

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