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"Come on Connie try this for daddy please," Jackson begged to push the plate of vegetables towards Connor.

They have been going about this for about five minutes and Connor still wouldn't eat his carrots. He scrunched up his face and pushed them away yet again.

"No! Yucky." He says crossing his arms over his chest.


"No!" He says flipping the plate causing some of it to fall on the floor but most of it landed on Jackson.

Connor could tell by the look on his caregivers face that he was really in for it. He felt tears well in his eyes as Jackson brushed off carrots, somewhere uneaten and some were chewed up but spat out from disgust from Connor.

"Upstairs. Now!" He said sternly.

Connor followed his command, scared of what he would do if he didn't follow it the second he gave it to him. His bottom lip started to tremble from holding in his cries for so long. This wasn't the first time something like this has happened. If Connor didn't do as he said when he said it or took too long to do something for him he would be punished. He didn't really feel like a little in this relationship he felt more like a slave. Connor did everything for him, he didn't feel loved. Mainly because he never really got love unless he did something for him. Which was rare because Connor didn't like Jackson but was too scared to leave the relationship.

Connor sat on the middle of the bed criss-cross applesauce holding one of his stuffies (his favorite) close to his chest. He was a tabby cat with black beady eyes, his name was Mr. Whiskers. He got him from Jackson when they first started dating before everything went downhill.

Jackson came in and slammed the door behind him. He looked at Mr. Whiskers and looked at Connor before snatching Mr. Whiskers out of Connor's grasp. Connor couldn't help it anymore. He let out a big sob, tears were streaming down his face and snot ran from his noes.

"Shut up!" He screams.

"C-Con s-sorry d-d-."

Jackson smacks Connor causing more tears to spill. Connor wanted Mr. Whiskers and he wanted him bad but he knew Jackson wasn't going to give him back.

"Did I tell you to fucking speak to me!"

Connor looks down, "No Daddy."

"You're finally correct for once, now I want you to take a bath and get your pajamas on." He says stern clear in his voice.

"Help me and I get Mr. Whiskers back?"

"No, only good boys get their stuffies and have their daddies tuck them in for sleepies but you weren't one... were you?"

Connor doesn't answer just looks down at his lap resulting in another slap from Jackson.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you."

"No Daddy Con wasn't a good boy."

"That's what I like to hear, now go clean yourself up I don't want to see this crying shit anymore."


It was later in the night and Connor was awake cuddling onto a pillow using it as his makeshift stuffie as he sucked on his thumb. He hated Jackson, he really hated him. But knowing Jackson he wouldn't let him leave the relationship no matter how much he begged him. Then an idea popped into his head, he could run away. Jackson would never know where to look for him if he went to go live with his friend Tyler. So that's what he was planning to do. So he crawled quietly out of his bed and went over to his baby blue book bag. It had already had some things in it, like his pastel yellow blankie and a green Oscar the grouch sippy cup. He wanted Mr. Whiskers and he knew that the only way to get it was to sneak into Jackson's room. Connor silently opens his door and looks left and right before crawling down the hall to Jackson's room. The door was left open ajar so he just has to push the door enough just for his body to get through the door. Lucky for him Mr. Whiskers was on the dresser right by the door. Connor grabs it an leaves the door open as he makes his way downstairs and towards the front door. He gives Tyler a call telling him that he needed a place to stay and explained his situation. He said he'd be there in five minutes. Connor looks back upstairs before opening the door.

"See you later meanie." He whispers before sticking out his tongue.


NeW sToRy

I'm actually keeping this one up guys because I absolutely adore cg/l stories cause they are so frickin' cute! so yeah here is the first chapter, enjoy love it read it... heck even add it to your library! anyways.... later loves.


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