t w e l e v e - h a u n t i n g

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"Now you're going to sit in here and be the good little boy that I know you are." Jackson says pushing Connor into his old room. 

"You're a real bitch you know that." Connor says crossing his arms across his chest and pouting. 

Jackson quickly grabs Connor by his collar and yanks him up to meet his eyes. "Don't you dare fucking talk to me like that. You're lucky that your hand and feet aren't tied to a chair, now unless you want that I suggest you shut the fuck up!" Jackson says before slapping him straight across the face. 

Connor jumped out of his grasp and crawled to the far back of the bed. He knew that bawling out crying wasn't going to help him in the situation as much as he wanted to. All he wanted was Troye to hold him, hand him his favorite pacifier and stuffie and turn on his favorite cartoons and cuddle with him.

He wanted his Daddy.


Troye called anyone that would know about where Jackson would live but got nothing. He needed to know, he needed to find Connor. His little, not Jackson's, his. Multiple scenarios went through his head about what could be happening right now, and none of them were pleasant. Just as more horrifying scenarios went through his head he forgot about the one person who knew the most of Connor and his past relationship. 


He moved faster than he probably ever moved to grab his phone. He quickly dialed the number not even caring how desperate he might've sounded. 

"Tyler! Tyler!" Troye said.

"Damn Sivan calm down." Tyler said.

Troye forgot about timezones and how it was a different time in Michigan but his ounce of caring was literally zero. "Tell me everything you know about Jackson and don't leave out a single detail."  

"Troye what's got you all worked up?" 

"Jackson has Connor and god knows what he's doing to him, I don't know where he is and it's critical that I do so tell me what you know Matthew." Troye said his voice dangerously growing louder. 

Tyler instantly started talking knowing that the only reason why Troye would use his actually first name is when he really needed something which wasn't that often. By the end of the conversation Tyler gave out a shaky 'Go get you little back' as Troye ran towards his car and hurriedly turned it on before quickly (but safely) heading to Jackson.


After about three hours being trapped in his old room Connor eventually found out that Jackson didn't actually lock the door. 

Curiosity yet again got the best of him as he quietly opened up the door and tip-toed out of the room. Was this a stupid idea? Yeah it was, but did he care? Not at the time, no. He edged towards the top of the steps. He started to hear two people talking, neither of them were Jacky. 

"...you think he's really gonna do it?" One of the voices say

"Nah," The other starts. "He loves that Connor guy, if anything he's just using him as bait to do what he really wants." 

"What's that?" The first one inquired. 

"Think the guys name is Troye or something Connor's boyfriend, caregiver whatever he wants to call it. His plan is to kidnap Connor, which he did, to lure Troye her and then boom, bye bye Troye." 

Both men started to chuckle as Connor put his hand over his mouth, muffling a gasp. Could this really be Jacky's plan? He knew he was a mean person but he would've never guess this mean. He'd had to tell someone, he need to Tell Troye, but how? He turned around to head back towards his room when he bumped into a tall figure.


"Looks like you heard my plan?" Jacky said. 

"Why are you doing this Jacky, can't you just understand that Tro is my Daddy now?" Connor said his bottom lip quivering.

"No, because you are my little, mine. Not Troye's, don't you see Connor? Troye is gaining in popularity meaning he will be in the spotlight, he won't treat you the same once the public eye gets a hold of him, might as well kiss your precious daddy goodbye now." 

Connor shakes his head, "No, no he won't. My daddy loves me and cares for me, unlike you. You're just a big meanie pants, and a bitch." 

"You know," Jackson starts gesturing for something. "My plan was just to kill Troye, but I could always add you to the mix."

Connor looks behind him and sees two guys twice the size of him walking towards him with a rope. "No," He says looking between Jacky and the two guys. "Please don't."

"Your daddy want be here to save you this time, baby boy," Jackson says with a smug look. "Sleep tight baby boy."


you guys probs hate me, but that's okay. 

hewwo fellow humans, how's it going? i feel like everyone is jumping off the tronnor ship because of the zero interaction between them and how troye and this one guy are kinda close. i don't get how some people have to see constant interaction between them or there aren't together or aren't that close of friends anymore but idkkkk

and i have like one more day a school and we have field day that day and i'm going to vidcon very soon and i kinda want to meet connor dan and phil and twaimz so hopefully i do, i might write a story about it but idkkkk.

anyways leave your comments about the story and predictions and i will see you the next time i update.

later loves!


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