Part 3

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Mira's POV:

I am standing in the goal my eyes are wide open. My coach said I could play any position because I am so good, but all I know right now is that I can not play goalie. To me it is like one of the most intimidating positions on the field. The ball came to me fast and.... WOW I actually caught the ball. I saved about 5 goals then someone scored on me and I went to the back of the line.

"OKAY GIRLS! All the girls who are out I am sorry but you are out. All the girls who are in may go to the center of the field." The coach said and a girl came up to me and started talking to me

"They can be pretty intimidating cant they." She said she seemed nice

"Ya, no kidding." I said and smiled

"So what's your name?" She asked me

"Mira, what about you?" I said to her

"OMG THAT IS SUCH A PRETTY NAME! My name is Zoey people call me Z." She said 

"Cool! And thanks yours is really pretty to. We should head to the center." I said and we both smiled and ran to the center of the field 

"Scrimmage time!" The coach shouted and divided us on to 2 teams. Z and I are on the same team, yay!

"Okay I am going to be the coach of this team for the scrimmage you can call me Dylan." He said 

"Aren't you a little young to be a coach." I said and he smiled I mean he looks like he is 17!

"I am training to be a coach and I am 17." He said wow I actually got his age correct! "So what positions do you all play?" He asked and we told him 

"Okay sounds good! Mira and Z play forward, - Kennedy,  Ellie, and Brooke play mid - Jacklyn play defensive mid - Chloe, Abby, Quinn, and Sky play defense - and Jules you play Goalie." We all nod and go on the field.

My team started with the ball I passed it to Z and we did a one two and we scored in the first minute.


"Thank you everyone for coming good job non pennies for winning (my team) the teams will be out sometime this week. You all did a great job!" The coach said then I ran up to Dylan to thank him. 

"Hey Dylan! Thanks for coaching us your going to be such a good coach!" I said to him

"Thanks! Guess what the head coach just told me!" he said to be all happily 

"What." I asked him


"THAT'S SO AMAZING!" I squealed, I liked him not in the love kind of way. At least I don't think so. I like him as a friend I think. I mean it is okay to like someone who only a year older than you and he isn't even a real coach. Right? But for some reason he looks really familiar.

"Thanks, but for some reason you look familiar to me." He said wow we thought the same thing

"Same. Well see you around, Hopefully I make the team." I said running to get my bag

"TRUST ME YOU WILL YOU ARE AMAZING AT SOCCER!" He shouted back to me and I just smiled.



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