Part 14

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Dylan's POV:

I got to the hospital and saw Chase pacing around the waiting room with a worried expression and I went up to him.

"How is she?" I asked him

"Well she has a broken arm, and the girl who kicked her was wearing medal cleats so the cut on her stomach is pretty deep and long so she has to get 14 stitches. Just wondering, how do you know Mira?" Chase asked me

"WOW. And I am a coach in training I know I am only 17 but I got an early start. So I am her assistant coach and I also happen to go to her school and we sort of became friends." I said and he smirked 

"Just friends." He said

"What." I asked him

"I heard you say you were her boyfriend." He said and my face turned bright as a tomato. 

"You see I just said that to see if hey would allow me to go on the ambulance to make sure she was okay. We aren't actually dating." I said 

"But you like her." He said 

"Well I mean I well I don't know?" I said sort of as a question 

"Dude you don't have to lie to me I can tell you like her it is fine. I am not going to kill you or anything." He said and we both laughed.

"I don't know if she likes me back." I said with a frown

"Trust me she does. She has been extra happy and she is being nicer to me and that usually means she likes someone." He said and I smiled. Then the doctor came out.

"Chase Johnston?" The doctor said and I raised my hand

"Right here." Chase said 

"Mira is doing great we put her arm in a cast and she is all stitched up but she is sleeping right now so when she wakes up we explain more." The doctor said

"Are we allowed to see her?" I asked the doctor

"Yes, but try not to wake her up she is in room 229 on the 2nd floor." She said and smiled

"Thanks." Chase and I said at the same time and went to her room

"Hey Mira, I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing. I will come back a little bit later but I think Dylan wants to talk to you." Chase said in a whisper and gave her a kiss on the four-head and she gave a small smile with her eyes still closed and then he left.

I went up to Mira and held her hand between mine.

"Mira, I don't know if you heard me when I was outside of the ambulance. I said I was you boyfriend and I know I am not, but I want to be your boyfriend. The second I saw you walk on the field for tryouts with a smile on your face, I instantly fell in love with you. Every memory we have had together I loved. Even though we have only known each other for a month or so. Walking around school campus, you jumping into my arms when you found out you made the team, you and Z dumping a bucket of gatorade on my head at one of the practices, and so many more. I don't know what I would do without you. Mira..... I love you, I don't know if you can hear me but will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her and she opened her eyes.

"I love you to and yes, I would love to." She said and I jumped around the room like a little boy and she laughed.

"BROVO!" Chase said 

"You were watching." I asked him 

"I also go that on video." Chase said

"Please say your not going to post it." I said 

"Great idea I'll just do that right now." Chase said and I started chasing him around the room and Mira was giggling so hard.


SOOOO sorry I haven't updated in forever!!!! I

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