Part 4

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Mira's POV:

It was Monday, uggg I have to go to school. I go to chases room to wake him up because he has to drive me to school. I decided to scare him because I was in that type of mood. I screamed as loud as I could and Chase literally jumped out of his bed and I ran out of his room.

"Mira you are dead!!!" He yelled and started chasing me around and eventually caught me and pinned me down 

"You've gotten faster." I laughed and he let me up

"Get ready we are leaving soon, when does the team come out for the Bulldogs." He asked 

"Sometime this week." I said I really wanted to know (BTW Chase is 18, he is a senor. Just wanted to let you know)

"Kk well get ready we are leaving in 30." He said and I went to get ready, I didn't feel like getting all fancy so I got a sort of baggy shirt that had the number 98 on it and black leggings and combat boots and put my hair in a messy bun. And did  a little bit of make up, I am not a big fan of  it.

"MIRA GET DOWN HERE WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" Chase shouted at me. Shit we are going to be late we have to leave in one minute. I sprinted down stairs grabbed my phone of the charger, grabbed a granola bar for the car and got my bag and went to the car. 

"Lets go!" I said

(Skip car ride)

"Have a good day!" Chase said to me and he went to his class. I went to my locker and saw Z's was right next to my locker looking at a book for class.

"Z!!!" I shouted and she looked up.

"Mira I had no idea you went to this school!" She said and we hugged 

"Neither did I." I said

"Ya I just moved here a couple days before the tryout and now I go here and my locker is right next to yours!" She said all happy. 

"That is so awesome! So what class do you have right now?" I asked her 

"I have math 1st period. Here let me show you my scheduled." She said and I looked at it. Wow we have like 5 classes together and there are 8 classes in a day. 

"We have 5 classes together! Sadly we don't have lunch together. Oh and by the way every Monday and Friday morning we have assembly with the 11th grade." I said. (Mira and Z are in 10th) We were going to go to assembly but she said she had to go to the bathroom so I said I will meet her at assembly. I was walking to assembly on my phone and I bumped into someone and looked up and saw.........


CLIFFHANGER! Sorry this cht was kinda boring. Next one will be up soon and will be less boring. 

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