Chapter 4

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Monday rolls around far too quickly, another school day. Worst of all I have an English SAC today. I honestly hate English; I mean who cares about Romulus my (bloody) Father? I don’t care about this guy’s miserable life and how he developed respect for his father! Give me some romance or vampires and I’m totally in! NOT Twilight though, too much fan hype for my liking.

Maybe I can relate identity and belonging to Vampire Academy, there’s a lot identity and belonging exploration in that series. Miss Marsh probably wouldn’t like that, or she’d think I didn’t read the book and fail me. I can’t afford to fail; too many of my future plans are based on my marks. I crap on about nothing and everything in my SAC, I don’t actually believe any of it.

Lunch time begins just in time, Mr Robin had us doing insanely difficult Algebraic equations and my brain feels like it’s going to explode! I can’t believe they’re even allowed to teach us some of this stuff!

It’s a hot day for May, my best friend Alanis and I sit in one of the schools courtyards and soak up the sun while sharing our lunch. Alanis has been my best friend since I was around four. We met at dancing and ended up at the same school in grade 2, when her parents split up. The same year she moved schools she moved house and ended up living with her mum next door to us; I can’t imagine my life without her.

Her bright red hair glistened in the sunlight.

“So how was work yesterday?” she asked.

“Still there” I say sarcastically while laughing at my repetitive response. She sighed.

“You always say that, I want a real answer.” No she doesn’t, she wants to hear about one person so she can complain!

“Well I doubt you want to hear about each customer’s order” I snicker. She gave me one of those glares which says ‘you know what I mean, don’t be a tool’. Alanis and I are pretty good at reading each other’s minds or facial expressions; sometimes we finish each other’s sentences. Liam calls us B1 and B2, from the children’s TV show bananas in pyjamas, because we are almost always thinking along the same lines.

“Well you don’t want to hear about Andrew!” I stated as a matter of fact.

 “That’s because you’re obsessed with him!” I knew this was coming.

“I am not”. She laughs at my defence. I can feel my cheeks gain a bit of colour.

“What’s the real reason?” I question apathetically.

“Cause you’re replacing me with him. Ever since I went to Europe for the summer, you talk more to him than you do to me” I had to admit it was slightly true, but he always listened to my crazy stories as well as shared his with me. Alanis just listened, and then laughed; kind of how Natasha does. With most people I feel like the joker, with Andrew we just equal each other out. We’re both the weird ones.

“I could never replace you! You’ve been there for me through everything! He’s just been around”. I paused, waiting for her response, only silence greeted me. I somehow knew she wouldn’t have much to say.

“I’m sorry” I continue, she looks back up at me, her blue eyes reflecting the colour of the clear sky.

“I’m not going to replace you. If you got to know him you’d see he’s not always the man hoare he appears to be at school” I can see Alanis’ mind ticking over as she looks behind me. I turn to see Andrew out on the oval with his mates and the year 10 skanks. Way to disprove my theory Andrew, couldn’t you choose another time to pick up minors!

“But what about those teeny boppers you told me about, the ones that come in on Wednesday afternoon and stare at him, and will only let him serve them?” I turn back around to face her.

“He flirts with them cause it’s funny, they actually think they have a shot. He’s not actually going to get with little 14year olds”

I chuckle and she rolls her eyes at me. The bell goes ending the conversation.

“Wooh! Time for music” I chirp in a high pitch.

“Wooh! Time for French” Alanis declares sarcastically, waving her arms up at her side.

We part for our separate classrooms.


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