Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Crooke


“Emilee, I think Andrew likes you”

“Well we’re friends; I’d hope he likes me” Alanis' statement reminds me of talking to Steph the other night.

 “No I mean really likes you” I burst out laughing at her.

 “Dude! I’m totally serious! You should see the way he looks at you! Like you’re the only person in the world!”

 “I think you’ve been reading too many romance novels, Al”

 “Look you may be right, about the romance novel part, but you can’t deny what I’m seeing, if only you could jump into my body and see it from my perspective” I began to laugh even harder.

 “Owww, you’re making my stomach muscles soar!” I shout as I continue to laugh.

 “My mouth is gonna be stuck in a grin for the rest of the day from laughing so hard”

 She began to laugh too. There’s no way she could be right about Andrew, he doesn’t date, he hooks up and flirts, that’s about it.

 But just too be safe I should probably not go catch a lift home with him after school today.

 “Hey, by the way, can you drive me home afterschool?”

 “Yeah sure” she paused pulling her moth to one side and frowning with her eyes in thought.

 “I thought Andrew was driving you home?”

 “He was, but we live next door and you keep saying we don’t spend much time together anymore. And I’m replacing you and all” I laughed

 “I would” she said sceptically

 “But I’m already driving someone home, you know one passenger rule”. I needed to change the subject fast so she wouldn’t continue with the Andrew conversation and I had a feeling I knew who the other passenger was.

 “So how is Liam?” I asked. Her cheeks became flushed. Liam is this super cute, but nerdy guy in our year 12 class. We’ve known him most our life, he’s our dance teachers nephew.

  Everyone knows that Alanis and Liam like each other but neither will do anything about it because they don’t want to ruin the friendship they already have. She could tell you anything you wanted to know; His favourite colour, birth date, about his family, and he could about her too.

 Just like with Andrew I, they know almost everything about each other, and when I’m not hanging out with Alanis the safe bet is that he is.

 “So we were talking yesterday” she began slowly.

 “Yeah” I asked eagerly

 “He swears He'll never fall in love?!” she gushed.

 “So? Most guys say that? Just hope he’s wrong” I laugh. Although I now know Andrew reckons he knows what love feels like, which is a worry. I haven’t told Alanis this; it will only make her feel worse about the Liam situation and want to change back to talking about Andrew faster.

 She gave a nervous laugh

 “Not that I care or anything, but I don’t know, a part of me does. He’s my best guy friend and nothing can happen. So why do I sometimes wish that it would?”

 I don’t have a witty comeback to that, so I have to answer seriously.

 “I don’t know”

 “You know it wouldn’t hurt to try it”

 “Try what?”

 “Ask him out? Or even ask him what he sees your relationship as?”

 “You know we don’t ask out the guys. I don’t think he’d answer honestly”

 “There are special circumstances with our asking out rule, and this on off thing with Liam defiantly classifies for an exception”

 “So, what about you and Andrew?”

 “Don’t go changing the subject Miss, and it’s a different situation again.”

 “Everyone knows you two like each other! And you cans see that you both want to be together, I think both of you are scared about losing the friendship. Next time your D&M’ing talk about it. I reckon you’ll find that he wants the same thing and you can talk about how not to ruin your friendship if you do break up.”

 “Since when did you get all wise and strategic?” She asked with a smirk on her face

 “But maybe you’re right. But if it doesn’t work, I’m blaming you!”

 I tried to remain from laughing.

 “That’s okay you’ll forgive me soon enough, you can’t live without me” I looked up at her and battered my eye lids.

 This sent her into Hysterical laughter. Anyway she blames me for stuff all the time, especially when we where little.

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